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marcocantergi |
Temat postu: name of the parents birth documents
Wysłany: 15-02-2019 - 20:27

Dołączył: 28-07-2018
Posty: 21
Status: Offline
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Temat postu: name of the parents birth documents
Wysłany: 15-02-2019 - 21:28

Dołączył: 05-02-2017
Posty: 245
Status: Offline
Ester - mother's name: Zelda (from Dąbiak family); father's name: Markiel Poziomczyk, shoemaker
Dawid - mother's name: Zelda (from Ejzykowicz family); father's name: Markiel Poziomczyk, shoemaker
Golda - mother's name: Sylka (probably from Leybowicz/Lejbowicz family); father's name Masuk(?) Poziomczyk, shoemaker |
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