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poniedziałek, 28 października 2024


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Temat postu: help translating documents  PostWysłany: 28-07-2018 - 02:49

Dołączył: 28-07-2018
Posty: 21

Status: Offline
Hi, I am having a hard time trying to figure out what is written in these documents (I am sorry if its not the proper forum, its the first time I use this site) , I wanted to check if they are really from my relatives, can anyone help me please? thank you! ... mczykAkta9

1)​Marriage SYMA E HERTZ

2) Born Alter Poziomczyk (akta 9)

3) NI (Akta3)
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 28-07-2018 - 11:44

Dołączył: 08-10-2013
Posty: 344

Status: Offline
#9 birth record of Lejzor Alter Poziomczyk, born in Wohyń, on 3.11.1863, at 3 pm, registered in Wohyń on 16.07.1864, at 10 am, son of Hersz Chajm Poziomczyk, 27, Jewish, tradesman, and his wife Syma born Grync, 23. The father presented with witnesses Berek Lichołat, 60, scholar, and Srul Dąbiak, 46, small tradesman.
The act was read out and signed by all

#3 Wohyń 5.01.1842.
Dawid Grync, 45, tradesman, appeared with witnesses Judka Kalinka, 42, scholar, and Wigder Ruyzman, 25, worker, and presented a baby girl born on 29 December of previous year from his wife Sura born Juwnowicz? (I am not sure of name), aged 40. The girl was named Syma.
The act was read out and signed by all.

1856 marriage of Markiel Mrozkowicz Poziomczak, 18, bachelor, son of deceased Moszek and living Maryem, living with his mother innkeeper in Wohyń, and Słuwa Dawidowna Gryntz, 17, maiden, daughter of deceased Dawid and his wife living Sura born Imiowiczówna (?), tradeswoman.
The marriage took place in front of mothers of the newly weds and witnesses Berek Lichotat, 52, scholar, and Herszon Burak, 58, worker.
3 banns, no prenuptial agreement.
The act was read out and signed by the witnesses, the newlyweds don't write.

Here you have the Jewish metrical books from Wohyń

Best regards, Nika
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