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os2hugh |
Temat postu: Tłumaczenie rosyjski pomocy ponownie
Wysłany: 06-01-2016 - 00:40

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
Witam drodzy przyjaciele.
Jestem tu, by prosić o pomoc dzięki danym wniosku. Zauważyłem po patrząc przez śmierć online Szyrwinty rekordy, które od roku 1848 i po zapisy są wszystkie rosyjsku.
Chciałbym pomóc w to czy ktoś mógłby przejrzeć strony indeksu w tych 3 książek dla osoby o nazwisku Szymkiewicz. Książki obejmuje okres roku 1848 poprzez 1897 roku mam poniższe linki do każdej książki, jak i stronę rosyjską z literą "S".
pgs-230-231 1848 -1873 ... rdId=55102
pg -29 1873-1884 ... 619&psl=29
pg 33 years 1884-1897 ... 543&psl=33
Doceniam wysiłek, bo wiem, że to jest na pewno czasochłonne. Moi rosyjscy umiejętności czytania są prawie nie istnieje.
Dziękuję bardzo,
poniżej jest taki sam wniosek w języku angielskim.
Hello my dear friends.
I am here to ask for your help again with a particular request. I have noticed after looking through the online Szyrwinty death records that from the year 1848 and after the records are all Russian.
What I would like help with is if someone could look through the index pages in these 3 books for people with the surname Szymkiewicz. The books cover the period of 1848 through 1897. I have the links below for each book as well as the page with the Russian letter "S".
I appreciate the effort, for I know this is surely time consuming. My Russian reading skills are almost non existant.
Thank You much,
Hugh |
Barbara_Lendzion |
Temat postu: Re: Tłumaczenie rosyjski pomocy ponownie
Wysłany: 06-01-2016 - 11:51

Dołączył: 19-11-2014
Posty: 420
Skąd: kujawsko-pomorskie
Status: Offline
os2hugh napisał:
Witam drodzy przyjaciele.
Jestem tu, by prosić o pomoc dzięki danym wniosku. Zauważyłem po patrząc przez śmierć online Szyrwinty rekordy, które od roku 1848 i po zapisy są wszystkie rosyjsku.
Chciałbym pomóc w to czy ktoś mógłby przejrzeć strony indeksu w tych 3 książek dla osoby o nazwisku Szymkiewicz. Książki obejmuje okres roku 1848 poprzez 1897 roku mam poniższe linki do każdej książki, jak i stronę rosyjską z literą "S".
pgs-230-231 1848 -1873 ... rdId=55102
pg -29 1873-1884 ... 619&psl=29
pg 33 years 1884-1897 ... 543&psl=33
Doceniam wysiłek, bo wiem, że to jest na pewno czasochłonne. Moi rosyjscy umiejętności czytania są prawie nie istnieje.
Dziękuję bardzo,
poniżej jest taki sam wniosek w języku angielskim.
Hello my dear friends.
I am here to ask for your help again with a particular request. I have noticed after looking through the online Szyrwinty death records that from the year 1848 and after the records are all Russian.
What I would like help with is if someone could look through the index pages in these 3 books for people with the surname Szymkiewicz. The books cover the period of 1848 through 1897. I have the links below for each book as well as the page with the Russian letter "S".
I appreciate the effort, for I know this is surely time consuming. My Russian reading skills are almost non existant.
Thank You much,
Zdjęcie 231: Szynkiewicz Franc (Franciszek) z boku numeracja 56/98,(strona /numer aktu)
Szymkiewiczówna (Szymkiewicz) Zofia z boku numeracja 118/77,(strona/numer aktu
Szymkiewiczówna (Szymkiewicz) Karolina z boku numeracja 119/8 (strona/numer aktu)
pg 29 / Szynkowskich Marianna z boku numeracja 129/123 (numer strony/numer aktu
Szymkowiczew (Szymkowiczów ) Marianna z boku numeracja 134/163 lub 263 (numer strony/numer aktu
pg 33 nie ma tego nazwiska lub o podobnej pisowni.są tylko osoby zapisane jako "Szymkowski" i "Szynkowskich".Kobiety piszą "Szynkowskich" i "Szymkowskich."
Numer strony/numer aktu to znaczy,że na podanej stronie księgi znajduje się poszukiwany akt.
Mam nadzieję,że choć troszkę pomogłam.Jak się to proszę mnie poprawić.
Barbara |
_________________ Pozdrawiam Barbara
Poszukuję: Włocławek - Wilczyńscy,Kulińscy Kowal - Cytaccy ,Baruchowo i okolice: Lewandowscy, Gizińscy,Prusy i Mazowsze - Lendzion
MonikaMaru |
Temat postu: Tłumaczenie rosyjski pomocy ponownie
Wysłany: 06-01-2016 - 11:56

Dołączył: 04-11-2010
Posty: 8052
Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Status: Offline
1848-1873 (a=record; k=page)
1. Franciszek Szymkiewicz a.98 k.57 ... _232599_58
- died in Szirwintele on 13.XI.1855 because of ulcer, a nobleman, a single man, 35 years old
2. Zofia Szymkiewicz a.77 k.119 ... 232599_120
- died in Wiciuny on 28.XII.1864 , daughter of noblemen Konstanty and Zofia nee Dowiat, 5 years old
3. Weronika Szymkiewicz a.8 k.119 ... 232599_120
- died in Wiciuny on 15.I.1865, daughter as above, 6 months old, because of scarlet fiver
4. Marianna z Kozłowskich Szymkiewiczowa a.69 k.187 ... 232599_188
- died in Pobłendzie/Pobłyndzie? on 22.VIII.1872, about 90 years old, left her daughter Zofia.
1. Marian Szymkowicz a.163 k.135 ... 232619_166
-died in Olany on 17.XII.1880, son of noblemen Józef and Helena nee Borkowska, 1 year old.
1884- 1897 - any Szymkiewiczes were found.
Szynkowskis were peasants/farmers.
Monika |
Ostatnio zmieniony przez MonikaMaru dnia 11-01-2016 - 09:14, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
os2hugh |
Temat postu: Dziekuje Bardzo
Wysłany: 06-01-2016 - 12:38

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
Thank You so much is their any mention of a Adolf Szymkiewicz as a surviving brother of Konstanty's daughters Weronika and Zofia. I have had a hard time finding Adolf's Birth record. Coincidentally Adolf had two daughters Weronika my great grandmother born in Kozakiszki in 1885 and her sister Zofia who was born in 1890.
Hope to find Adolf one of these days.
Hugh |
MonikaMaru |
Temat postu: Dziekuje Bardzo
Wysłany: 06-01-2016 - 15:04

Dołączył: 04-11-2010
Posty: 8052
Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Status: Offline
os2hugh |
Temat postu: Dziekuje Bardzo
Wysłany: 07-01-2016 - 05:49

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
You are a true treasure you have been of more help then you can imagine. My genealogy guardian angel!!!
It is funny again how Konstanty's wife is referred to by tow names Zofia and Julia Dowiat. All my records had called her Julia yet Zofia does appear in the records.
Well never a dull moment.
Again you have been so mush of a Godsend.
Hugh |
os2hugh |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 07-01-2016 - 12:31

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
I'd ask you to look through tge next set of death years fro Szyrwinty but that book has no index and is over 200 pages. I will glance through it over next few days and try to spot Szymkiewicz's in the margins. Hoping to find Konstanty and Julia/Zofia (Dowiat) Szymkiewicz's death records.
Hugh |
MonikaMaru |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 07-01-2016 - 13:23

Dołączył: 04-11-2010
Posty: 8052
Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Status: Offline
for which period do you want to know? 1897-1906? |
os2hugh |
Temat postu: Monika
Wysłany: 07-01-2016 - 23:48

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
Monika yes that period of 1897-1906 would probably cover the possible time of their deaths, although there are no guarantees. I know Adolf (Konstanty's son) my 2nd great grandfather lived in Kozakiszki and was married there in 1884 and was still living there as of my 2 great uncle Bronislaw was born in December of 1895.
It's probably worth the look but as I said that period doesn't have the index so its up around 200 pages of entries without any guarantees. Rhe next period after covering 1906 to 1916 seemed to be in Lithuanian and has an index but I have no idea what the Lithuanian version of Szymkiewicz is.
I do certainly appreciate it, Iam going to try to see if I can find any Szymkiewicz's in the 1897-1906 book myself, but if you have the time and patience your help would be most appreciated.
ps. Is there any mention in the birth/baptism book of a Wladyslaw Szymkiewicz born abt 1868? I have his marriage record from Wilno so I figured he might be from the same area. |
MonikaMaru |
Temat postu: Monika
Wysłany: 08-01-2016 - 12:29

Dołączył: 04-11-2010
Posty: 8052
Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Status: Offline
I think the Lithuanian version Szymkiewicz is Šimkius. How do I know it? From uncle Google. After comparing the names Hryniewicz as Grinius, Starkiewicz as Starkius, so Szymkiewicz would be Šimkius.
I tried to find something as Šimkius together with Adolf name in the lists but without effect.
None of Szymkiewicz/Šimkius was died after 1897 year in Szyrwinty. May be in Wilno?
There was only Justyn Szymkowicz, farmer/peasant, 70 years old, left widowed Zofia, sons - Józef, Adolf, Bolesław, Jan, Stanisław, Wincenty and Antoni, and daughters - Helena, Zofia and Weronika. Record nr 155/1901y. on page 93 [jpg 94] (years 1897-1906).
At last the birth record of Władysław is here. ... 232706_102
169. WŁADYSŁAW SZYMKIEWICZ, born in Wiciuny on 3rd Sept. 1866, son of city hall officials Konstanty and Julia nee Dowiat , christened on 18th Sept. 1866, godparents were farmers/peasant Kazimierz Muczyn and miss Antonina Muczyn.
Monika |
os2hugh |
Temat postu: thanks again
Wysłany: 08-01-2016 - 13:10

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
Again so many thanks all around. I agree with you. It seems to mee the only living children into adulthood Konstanty and Julia Szymkiewicz had were my 2nd great grandfather Adolf and his baby brother Wladyslaw. It seems Wladyslaw was married a second time in Wilno at St. John's church on 8 February 1904 to Paulina Orlowska. As I said Adolf apparently settled to the south of Szyrwinty in Kozakiszki.
Will continue to search.
Hugh  |
mlszw |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 08-01-2016 - 14:43

Dołączył: 01-10-2014
Posty: 851
Skąd: Gdańsk
Status: Offline
The Lithuanian form of Szymkiewicz is Šimkevičius. After 1918 this form should appear in the records.
mlszw |
os2hugh |
Temat postu: Rodziny Wilno
Wysłany: 09-01-2016 - 08:42

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
To all Thank you for all your help in sorting out another branch of my Polish family tree. Through Online resources I have also found a parish list from 1840 Mejszagola that lists the widow Aniela Dowiat(t) Romanowicz wife of Bartlomiej Dowiat(t) and her daughter Julia (Julianna) that married Konstanty Szymkiewicz in Mejzagola in 1859.
I am pleased so many records have been put online by dedicated archivists and volunteers. Without them and you guys here on I would be lost. You have all truly been a Godsend.
Attached below are links to both documents that show the Szymkiewicz/Dowiat(t) connection. Thanks to you guys
-Dowiatt Females page 26 # 514-517 ... 40%20r.pdf
-Nikodem Dowiatt male page 25 #549 ... 40%20r.pdf
No tace of Bartlomiej, he must have died within the last few years given Nikodems young age.
I will have to check with archives in Wilno because Mejszagola books aren't online yet  |
os2hugh |
Temat postu: Monika Ilooked yet didn't find
Wysłany: 10-01-2016 - 21:24

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196
Status: Offline
I looked through the baptism registers from Szyrwinty for the birth/baptism of Weronika Szymkiewicz (You found her death record a few days back) but either my reading of Russian is really bad or it isn't there. I looked for the years 1859-1862 and I couldn't find it.
Her parents (Adolf and Julia) were married in Mejszagola in 1859 (He resided in Wiciuny at time of marriage). Weronika was listed as about age 5 when she died in Wiciuny on 15 January 1865 (Weronika Szymkiewicz a.8 k.119 ... 232599_120 ).
Can you look to see if you can find it, in the years leading up to her death?
If you can thank you.
Hugh |
MonikaMaru |
Temat postu: Monika Ilooked yet didn
Wysłany: 11-01-2016 - 10:49

Dołączył: 04-11-2010
Posty: 8052
Skąd: Bielsko-Biała
Status: Offline
Oh, Hugh, I am sorry,
I made a mistake. It Zofia died at the age of 5 years, no Weronika. The records of two sisters were on the same skan. Weronika was only 6 months. I corrected it.
Here is Weronika`s birth record. ... _232706_40
She was born in Wiciuny on 2nd July 1864, daughter of Nblm. Konstanty Szymkiewicz and Julia nee Dowiat, christened on 12th July 1864, godparents nblm Julian Szymkiewicz and Antoni`s wife Weronika Zielińska
This record is on the list of birth records - 22nd last name from top - but a Weronika word is very difficult to read. ... 232599_231
Monika |