Autor |
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Mickelow |
Temat postu: Birth Record Translation - Ewangelicko-Augsburskiej-Ok
Wysłany: 04-03-2022 - 21:28

Dołączył: 09-02-2015
Posty: 509
Status: Offline
I am looking for help translating the following birth records - two on the same page
#143 (Gollmer) and #145 (Schlenvogt) ... =375&y=227
I thank you in advance,
Can not do this without your help
Yvette |
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Mickelow dnia 05-03-2022 - 10:02, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
MarcelO |
Temat postu: Birth Record Translation - Ewangelicko-Augsburskiej św. Trój
Wysłany: 04-03-2022 - 22:03

Dołączył: 19-01-2022
Posty: 70
Skąd: Kielce
Status: Offline
It was happening in the city of Łódź on the sixth day of March 1859 at four in the afternoon. Karol Gollmer came, he live in Łódź, he was 50 yo. In the presence of Gustaw Grop 21 yo and Maurycy Eler 21 yo, both of them residing in Łódź. He showed us a male child, born in Łódź on February 27 current year at 3 am, with his wife Joanna, maiden name Rudolf, she was 39 yo. This child was given names at baptism - Henryk Gustaw.
It was happening in the city of Łódź on the sixth day of March 1859 at four in the afternoon. Anna Kruger came, a midwife which in Łódź lives, 64 yo. In the presence of August Weiner, workman 33yo and Klemens Raisch(?), miller 38yo, both of them residing in Łódź. She showed us a female child, born on February 13 of the current year at 2am. A child born of a father Willhelm Schellkopf and mother Zuzanna Steinert, she was 22yo and living in Łódź with her family, This child was given names at baptism - Emilia.
Best regards,
Marcel |
Mickelow |
Temat postu: Marriage Translation Request - Popp- Ok
Wysłany: 05-03-2022 - 21:51

Dołączył: 09-02-2015
Posty: 509
Status: Offline
Good Afternoon
I have found an early marriage record for family "Popp"
I am looking for help translating into English
Marriage - Mateus Popp and Antonia
#72 ... =172&y=770
I thank you in advance
Yvette |
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Mickelow dnia 06-03-2022 - 15:22, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
MarcelO |
Temat postu: Marriage Translation Request - Popp
Wysłany: 05-03-2022 - 22:28

Dołączył: 19-01-2022
Posty: 70
Skąd: Kielce
Status: Offline
It was happening in the city of Łódź on the 16th day of August 1857 at 3pm.
In the presence of witnesses Carl Wamkeukaz(?) 48yo and Mateus Kupzer 35 yo, both of them residing in Łódź.
A religious marriage was contracted between Mateus Popp bachelor, journeyman, residing in Łódź, born in Czysochów (?) from deceased father Francis (PL - Franciszek) and Margaret (PL - Małgorzata) with a maiden name Tomaszewski. Mateus was 23yo in day of marriage.
Bride Antonina Schwaihez virgin, daughter from deceased father Daniel and mother Anna with a maiden name Falb(?) residing in Łodź and born in Łódź. Antonina was 18 yo in day of marriage.
Both mothers consented to the marriage.
Best regards,
Marcel |
janusz59 |
Temat postu: Marriage Translation Request - Popp
Wysłany: 06-03-2022 - 11:09

Dołączył: 29-03-2021
Posty: 1082
Status: Offline
born in Częstochowa
Antonina Schwajdler (Schweidler)
maiden name Falbe
PS Marriage Daniel Szweydler + Anna Falbe 17/1835 Łódź NMP |
Mickelow |
Temat postu: Marriage Translation Request - Popp
Wysłany: 06-03-2022 - 14:00

Dołączył: 09-02-2015
Posty: 509
Status: Offline
MarcelO |
Temat postu: Marriage Translation Request - Popp
Wysłany: 06-03-2022 - 14:30

Dołączył: 19-01-2022
Posty: 70
Skąd: Kielce
Status: Offline
It was happening in the city of Łódź on the 19th day of May 1835 at 4pm.
In the presence of witnesses Jan Baburnia, weaver 31yo and Carl Matra, weaver 42yo, both of them residing in Łódź.
A religious marriage was contracted between Daniel Szweydler bachelor, journeyman weaving, residin in Łódź, born in (probably...) Austria in city Berstein from father Francis and mother Barbara with a maiden name Wirton (Winton?), spouses Szweydler whos living in Działoszyn. Daniel was 25yo in day of marriage.
Bride Anna, daughter of August and Anna Białow, spouses Falbe in Łódź residing, she was 22yo in day of marriage. She was born in the Czech republic in city (?) and staying with her parents.
Best regards,
Marcel |
janusz59 |
Temat postu: Marriage Translation Request - Popp
Wysłany: 06-03-2022 - 15:34

Dołączył: 29-03-2021
Posty: 1082
Status: Offline
Daniel's parents : Franciszek , Barbara Wirt
Daniel born in Austria in Bergstadt
Anna's parents : August Falbe, Anna Bidt
Anna born in Czechia in Kenigenhoff (Koeniginhof an der Elbe= Dvur Kralove nad Labem)
PS Marriage Franciszek Popp 22 Y. + Małgorzata Tomaszewska 24 Y. 29 August 1832 Częstochowa Par. Św. Zygmunta ( woj. śląskie) |
MarcelO |
Temat postu: Re: Marriage Translation Request - Popp
Wysłany: 06-03-2022 - 17:07

Dołączył: 19-01-2022
Posty: 70
Skąd: Kielce
Status: Offline
janusz59 |
Temat postu: Re: Marriage Translation Request - Popp
Wysłany: 06-03-2022 - 21:18

Dołączył: 29-03-2021
Posty: 1082
Status: Offline
Image 117 of 566
Zdjęcie 117 z 566
Janusz |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 08-03-2022 - 14:08

Dołączył: 01-05-2008
Posty: 4977
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