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avrahamroots |
Temat postu: I need help finding records
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 10:22
Dołączył: 18-03-2025
Posty: 4
Status: Offline
I would be very happy to receive the help of the friends here
I had a gggrandfather named Moshe and Bina wakstok who lived in the city of Błaszki. I did not find any personal records of him, only of some children, except from his son my ggrandfather Yaakov (Simcha) Bonim that was probably born 1855. I did not find his birth, only his first marriage in the city of Warta. I would like to find any records from b/m/d from the father moses or the son yacov.
Yaakov married a second time to my ggrandmom Sarah Rivka Parenczewska (something is isnt clear in her family name). Again, I did not find any records, nor of of their births or marriage or death and from their two sons, Mordechai Yosef, who is my grandfather, who was born in Kalisz around 1896, and his brother Shmuel David.
I would very much like to receive help in finding birth or marriage or death certificates.
avraham lapa Israel |
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 12:14

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3664
Status: Offline
avrahamroots |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 12:20
Dołączył: 18-03-2025
Posty: 4
Status: Offline
thank u for receiving
but if Sara Rivka married 1891 and possibly in Kalisz she was not born 1811 or 1821
avraham lapa Israel |
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 12:26

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3664
Status: Offline
avrahamroots napisał:
thank u for receiving
but if Sara Rivka married 1891 and possibly in Kalisz she was not born 1811 or 1821
avraham lapa Israel
Właśnie ,oto pytam,o daty?
Bo nie podałeś dat rodziny.
bez tego trudno pomagac.
Pytam o nazwisko brzmi Wakstat? |
_________________ Pozdrawiam
Grazyna_Gabi |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 12:53

Dołączył: 02-01-2010
Posty: 3660
Skąd: Hamburg
Status: Offline
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 15:57

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3664
Status: Offline
powtarza się to ,w postach proszących o pomoc,non stop,
sami utrudniają
Zapis nazwiska ,również:
Abracham Icek Wachssteck lat 44, ur.Błaszki ,bakalarz,
wdowiec II slub 1855r.Blaszki skan nr 10 |
_________________ Pozdrawiam
Grazyna_Gabi |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 18:24

Dołączył: 02-01-2010
Posty: 3660
Skąd: Hamburg
Status: Offline
Nazwisko " wakstok " a Wachsstock to duza roznica, jest niemieckie i ma zrozumiale znaczenie.
Icek w AS ma zapisane tez Wachsstock.
akt 10 1855 Blaszki ... 55d69c_max
panna mloda - wdowa ma lat 40 i jeszcze rodzi do piecdziesiatki, a moze i dluzej.
Imiona to
Grazyna |
avrahamroots |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 19:13
Dołączył: 18-03-2025
Posty: 4
Status: Offline
hi dear friends
I really apologize for the lack of clarity, and i am very thankful For the attention, I will try to write more clearly, and please correct me if I still have not succeeded
In the city of Belzki at the beginning of the 1820 lived the wakstok family, Moshe and his wife Bina
Moshe was born in 1821 and his wife Bina was also born around the same year. Her maiden name is Portik
It appears in the city of Belzki that they had several children, Mendel and Esther and Hana and a few more, I found these certificates, but only one birth certificate I did not find from, Yaakov Bonim, which is what I am looking, he was born around 1855, Moshe died before the wedding of Yaakov his son
Yaakov wakstok married twice, the first time in Warta 1874 and I have the certificate but I am looking for the second marriage certificate, what was about 1892 and in kalisz, which is actually my grandmother Sarah Rivka, her maiden name
Jacob died May 27, 1917 His wife Sarah Rivka Parenczewska, I don't know, but she died much later,
Jacob and Sarah had two sons, and they were born in Kalisz my grand father Mordechai Yosef wakstok 1896, and Shmuel David I don't know when,
I would like to upload certificates here, just because I'm new here, and I'm trying to learn how everything works here, I hope that soon I'll learn that too
Avraham lapa
israel |
Grazyna_Gabi |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 20:13

Dołączył: 02-01-2010
Posty: 3660
Skąd: Hamburg
Status: Offline
Co to jest - wakstok ? -nazwisko, Familienname, Surname ?
Jesli nazwisko to dlaczego pisane z malej litery?, chyba na calym swiecie nazwiska piszemy
z duzej litery ! - np. Wakstok.
Pokaz na forum jakis akt z tym szukanym nazwiskiem.
Aby pomoc to trzeba wiedziec kogo szukac.
Czyli wyzej wyszukane akta to nie sa twoi przodkowie? bo ich nazwsko to - Wachsstock.
Akta stanu cywilnego Okręgu Bożniczego Kalisz
masz tu:
Akta stanu cywilnego Okręgu Bóżniczego Błaszki (pow. kaliski)
GenBaza / AP_Łódź-39 / Warta_1711 / Warta_moj /,list,312390,1
Szukaj tez na familysearch
Grazyna |
avrahamroots |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 23-03-2025 - 20:52
Dołączył: 18-03-2025
Posty: 4
Status: Offline
Wakstok is a surname
The files you sent are Grandpa's brothers
I would be happy to receive a translation if possible |
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 24-03-2025 - 08:17

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3664
Status: Offline
Podajesz nazwisko rodziny ,jako Wakstok.
w latach 1826-1857 Błaszki:
Waksztok,Waksztog,Wachsztock,Wachsstock ....
Zapis nazwiska ,jest jest bardzo różny,
to utrudnia pomoc.
Poza tym ,brak skanów niektórych są w Archiwach.
Geneteka: ... =&to_date=
Metryka poniżej, z 1857r.była wskazana już wyżej ,przez Grażynę,
teraz zauważyłam.
Mortocha Zyskiel ur.30.04.1857r.Błaszki
rodz.Mojsze Wachsstock lat 35,Bina z Portków lat 34
dystrybutor tabaki i tytoniu
skan 28 akt 21 ... ka/2151121
Heym Icek ur.23.05.1850r.Błaszki
rodz.Mosiek Waksztok,dystrybutor tytoniu lat 29,Bina z Portkow lat 28
skan 32 akt 33 ... ka/1506024
Dwojra ?Waksztok ur.10.04.1826r.Błaszki
rodz.Morthe Zyske Waksztok lat 31, ,dystrybutor tabaki,Menje Pinkus lat 19
skan 4,akt 9 ... ka/1506021 |
_________________ Pozdrawiam
Grazyna_Gabi |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 24-03-2025 - 17:51

Dołączył: 02-01-2010
Posty: 3660
Skąd: Hamburg
Status: Offline
avrahamroots napisał:
Yaakov wakstok married twice, the first time in Warta 1874 and I have the certificate but I am looking for the second marriage certificate, what was about 1892 and in kalisz, which is actually my grandmother Sarah Rivka, her maiden name
Dla roku 1874 Warta nie ma metryk online, masz akt to go pakaz tu na forum.
W Kaliszu nie ma II slubu Yaakova w 1892 - sprawdzone od 1888 do 1890,
nie ma skanow dla roku 1898.
Kiedy i gdzie zmarla jego I zona?
Wszystkie indexy masz tu:
Grazyna |