Temat postu: looking for Szlachta records from Kijuciszki( Kijutišk&# Wysłany: 08-03-2025 - 18:03
Dołączył: 14-07-2009
Posty: 180
Status: Offline
I was wondering if anyone can help to locate records for the Szlachta from the town of Kijuciszki. I am researching my grea-great-great grandfather Rafal Jasowicz and it is believed he was born in Kijuciszki to parents Cyprian and Kunegunda Gołub (or Hołub) I am hoping to find information on them and trace my family back even further. Where can i find any records for the Szlachta? Any help would be appreciated!
_________________ Scott
Temat postu: looking for Szlachta records from Kijuciszki( Kijutišk&# Wysłany: 08-03-2025 - 20:55
Thank you for locating this death record for my ancestors I have been doing researching on this side for over 23 years and was never able to find information on her. Again Thank You for finding this record
Best Regards
_________________ Scott
Temat postu: Re: looking for Szlachta records from Kijuciszki( Kijutišk&a Wysłany: 10-03-2025 - 19:57
"Urodzony" Cyprian Ludwik Fryderyk Jasowicz (*ok. 1813/1815), syn Karola i Marcjanny Steckiewicz, wdowiec, w 1851 roku w parafii Ejszyszki poślubił Wiktorię Minakowską:
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... 60&lang=pl