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Dsosinski |
Temat postu: Sosinski Ancestry Search for Great Great Grandparents
Wysłany: 09-02-2025 - 20:55
Dołączył: 09-02-2025
Posty: 2
Status: Offline
I am attempting to find some information about our Polish ancestors but have had a difficult time tracking down any information beyond the three Sosinski’s that immigrated to America.
- Lukasz Sosinski (born 1859 or 1860) immigrated to America first.
He was followed by
- his son Felix Sosinski (born 1896. We think on April 16th)
- and his nephew, Felix’s cousin, Dominik Sosinski (born July 4th, 1889).
We know Dominik came through Ellis Island in 1914. It appears that Dominik was on a ship named “Kaiserin Auguste Victoria”. Ellis Island has the last listed location for him as on Seazew, Russia. Unsure if that meant Szczecin, Poland - which is where the ship was built.
Based on his Dominik’s draft registration card for WW2, he listed “Zieciol, Poland” which we assume is Zdzięcioł, present day Dzyatlava, Belarus.
We would appreciate anyone who can point us to any resources to narrow our search for Dominik’s parents and the rest of Lukasz and Felix’s extended family.
Thank you,
Dominic |
puszek |
Temat postu: Sosinski Ancestry Search for Great Great Grandparents
Wysłany: 10-02-2025 - 07:13

Dołączył: 01-11-2017
Posty: 2128
Status: Offline
PawelKoss |
Temat postu: Re: Sosinski Ancestry Search for Great Great Grandparents
Wysłany: 10-02-2025 - 07:57

Dołączył: 21-03-2021
Posty: 414
Status: Offline
Dsosinski napisał:
I am attempting to find some information about our Polish ancestors but have had a difficult time tracking down any information beyond the three Sosinski’s that immigrated to America.
- Lukasz Sosinski (born 1859 or 1860) immigrated to America first.
He was followed by
- his son Felix Sosinski (born 1896. We think on April 16th)
- and his nephew, Felix’s cousin, Dominik Sosinski (born July 4th, 1889).
As you can read on passengers list Felix came to US on ss Frankfurt July 1st 1907. He came together with his brother Piotr and uncle (brother in law for Łukasz) Wincenty (?) Radomski. The brothers gave the contact in the country: sister Maria Sosińska, living in Ziemniowa (?), Wincenty left his wife Michalina.
All of them went to Łukasz Sosiński 518 Elizabeth rd (?), Kansas City.
Additionally there was Antoni Kalinowski who declared that he was coming also to Łukasz.
Łukasz had also 3rd son, left in Poland - Bernard.
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/796 ... z-sosinski
Best Regards
Paweł |
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 10-02-2025 - 08:42

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3655
Status: Offline
Łukasz Sosiński i Antoni Sosiński ,byli braćmi
i żenią się z siostrami zd.Andrykiewicz
slub 29.05.1877r.wpis 17 Diatłowo wyzn. rz-katol
Antoni Sosiński lat 18 syn Jozefa i Anny Libeckiej/Lebeckiej
Karolina Andrykiewicz/Andrakiewicz,/Adrykiewicz lat 19,
corka Варфоломей /pol. Bartłomiej Andrykiewicz i Marianna z Gałuskich
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... 94&lang=pl
potomstwo:Antoniego i Karoliny
urodz. w Diatłowskiej parafii/Zdzięcioł Rzymsko-katolickiej gub.Grodzieńskiej
Zofia Sosińska ur. 04.09.1878r.
Józef Sosinski ur.20.04.1880-zm.01.07.1880r.
Piotr Sosiński ur.01.08.1881r.
Wladyslaw Sosiński ur.28.06.1883r.
Petronela Sosińska ur.01.08.1885r
Dominik Sosiński ur.07.08.1889r.
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... 6D?lang=pl
Zdzięcioł (biał. Дзя́тлава, Dziatława, ros. Дятлово, Diatłowo, jid. זשעטל, lit. Zietela) – miasto na Białorusi, w obwodzie grodzieńskim,
Zdzięcioł, białorus. Dziatława, Dziatlava, ros. Diatłowo, Djatlovo,
m. na Białorusi, w obwodzie grodzieńskim, nad Zdzięciółką (dorzecze Niemna), na zachód od Nowogródka.
https://encyklopedia.pwn.pl/haslo/Zdzie ... 00935.html |
_________________ Pozdrawiam
puszek |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 10-02-2025 - 10:19

Dołączył: 01-11-2017
Posty: 2128
Status: Offline
Dsosinski |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 12-02-2025 - 21:14
Dołączył: 09-02-2025
Posty: 2
Status: Offline
Thank you to everyone that replied. My uncles are very happy to know the names of their great grandparents. They recall the brothers (Antoni and Łukasz) who married sisters. They never met Łukasz. He passed away 10 years before they were born.
Are there any records before Józef Sosinski's parents (married to Anna Lebiecka).
Do the church books state which church they were married at?
Ela, according to the website you provided does that mean the Sosinski family was from current day Dzyatlava? Or another town in the obwodzie grodzieńskim?
thank you |