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sobota, 22 marca 2025


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Temat postu: Need help to find Edmund Lobacz  PostWysłany: 27-01-2025 - 17:40

Dołączył: 27-01-2025
Posty: 1

Status: Offline
Hi all,

I need help to narrow down my search. My great grandfather Edmund Lobacz (as written in several Estonian archive docs) arrived in Estonia probably around the end of 1939 or beginning of 1940. I have no information about where he is from or what his parents names were. Perhaps you can help me narrow down my search to specific parishes or church documents?

This is the information I have gathered from various Estonian archives.

Edmund Lobacz, polish citizen, married Marja (nee Antuch), polish citizen in 1940 in Viljandi, Estonia.
Edmund was born on January 10th, 1913.
As per Estonian census, he was a roman catholic.
On the census paper there was a question mark next to his father's name.

Could there be any documents about his movement from Poland to Estonia? Catholic churches I could check?
I've also seen different name variations for Lobacz. Should I try searching for something else?
He vanished in 1944 after he was caught exchanging goods with a Russian war prisoner in Estonia, as per archive records written in German and Estonian.

I come back to this search every few years hoping that more archives are digitalised but no luck so far.

Thanks a lot!
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Temat postu: Need help to find Edmund Lobacz  PostWysłany: 27-01-2025 - 19:45

Dołączył: 02-01-2010
Posty: 3649
Skąd: Hamburg
Status: Offline
Nazwisko Lobacz to po polsku Łobacz.
Tego nazwiska jest bardzo duzo, szczegolnie: woj. podlaskie, lubelskie i Bialorus. ... =pol&op=se
Gdyby chodzilo o imie Edward to taka osoba jest wykazana w archiwum Bad Arolsen
ale urodzony 1918 w Polubicze.
https://collections-server.arolsen-arch ... 20/001.jpg
Jest tez Wincenty ur. 1911 (potencjalny brat) Żyźniewo, czyli Bialorus i blisko Estonia,
https://collections-server.arolsen-arch ... 61/001.jpg
https://collections-server.arolsen-arch ... 61/002.jpg ... _wilejski)
Dla wsi Żyźniewo parafia byla w Dołhinów.
Proponuje sprawdzic parafie rk Dołhinów
W genetece brak urodzen, mamy tylko to: ... te=&exac=1
Jesli Edmund bral slub koscielny to moze sa do tego slubu zalaczniki.

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