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tatifidry |
Temat postu: Help to translate from Russian
Wysłany: 22-01-2025 - 19:39
Dołączył: 18-06-2008
Posty: 7
Status: Offline
Luziński_Marcin |
Temat postu: Help to translate from Russian
Wysłany: 22-01-2025 - 20:16

Dołączył: 28-10-2007
Posty: 242
Status: Offline
It is a birth certificate from Krasnystaw parish. Date of issue: 21/12/1870. Jan Fornal was born on 20/12/1870 in Zażółkiew. Father unknown, mother: widow Antonina Fornal 36 years old, farmer.
Additional information on the side: Jan Fornal died on 06/09/1955 in Janów Lubelski, on 26/04/1954 name "Wawrzyniec" was added as his father name (this was done to avoid leaving blank space in documents, this name had probably nothing to do with his actual father).
Marcin |
tatifidry |
Temat postu: RE: Help to translate from Russian
Wysłany: 22-01-2025 - 20:20
Dołączył: 18-06-2008
Posty: 7
Status: Offline
Thank you very much, Marcin.
Please, does the document contain any other information about Antonina, where she may come from? |
Luziński_Marcin |
Temat postu: RE: Help to translate from Russian
Wysłany: 22-01-2025 - 20:31

Dołączył: 28-10-2007
Posty: 242
Status: Offline
Not really. Maybe I was not precise with translating her "job" - it's more like peasant-laborer. But that is all. |