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piątek, 28 marca 2025


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Temat postu: Help understanding 1795 census revision list  PostWysłany: 14-01-2025 - 09:06

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196

Status: Offline
Hello all I recently found online for the parish of Suderwa which is just north of modern day Vilnius a set of revision lists or censuses. As my polish understanding is mot great I was hoping somewhere here on the forum could explain the meaning of the data columns and hopefully help me understand the relationships of the people on the lists.

I know from later Suderwa family records my ancestor Tomasz Michalkiewicz had a son Marcin (My direct ancestor) in 1810 within the village Komaryszki this family also resided in the nearby village of Siderance which in the online list I found multiple Michalkiewicz families. This list in theory should tell me the name of his parents or siblings. I have copies of the lists for anyone who can help me understand them.

For anyone who thinks they can help I can email you the images that contain the village and people I'm looking to check out.

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Temat postu: Help understanding 1795 census revision list  PostWysłany: 14-01-2025 - 10:57

Dołączył: 02-07-2013
Posty: 184
Skąd: Canberra, Australia
Status: Offline
If you found the list online then why not simply include a link to the relevant pages ?

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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 14-01-2025 - 21:54

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196

Status: Offline
Tom, that is an excellent point.

I know not everyone has access to Familysearch so I wasn't sure posting the links would be helpful. I will however do so now.

There are many Tomasz Michalkiewicz' in the parish and given the village and age in 1795 this seems to be the best match for the father of my Marcin Michalkiewicz.

I'll leave it to to the Polish language and documents experts but it seems that family #1 at the bottom of this page is that of Anna Michalkiewicz a widow and her children. ... 98960&i=53

The family is continued on the top next page with Tomasz and hat apears to be his sister Ewa. ... 98960&i=54

What id like to discern is whether this family is all related or are there half siblings etc?

Warm regards,

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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 16-01-2025 - 13:14

Dołączył: 12-07-2018
Posty: 181
Skąd: Kielce/Poznań
Status: Offline ... 98960&i=53
1. Anna Michalkiewiczowa, daughter of Jerzy, widow, 50 years
her sons: son Michał, son of Antoni, 30 years
his wife Katarzyna, 25 years
(his) son Dominik, 2 years
Augustyn, 21 years
Wincenty, 16 years
(next page) Tomasz, 14 years
daughter Ewa, 11 years

I don't see any information whether the children come from one father or not.
Columns in that kind of documents are (from the left): Dymy - Houses , main column with names, Lata męskiej - male years, lata żeńskiej - female years, Liczba dusz męskiej - number of male "souls" meaning number of males and the last one is Liczba dusz żeńskiej - number of females.


Poszukuje nazwisk: Sudwoj, Rębosz. Wszelkie informacje o Chromińskich z okolic Warszawy również mile widziane.
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 17-01-2025 - 19:30

Dołączył: 19-06-2015
Posty: 196

Status: Offline
Thank you Ewa now it's just a matter of determining which Tomasz on the 1795 parish is mine. I do however figure this is most likely the right one. Though the Suderwa death record I found using this site seems to indicate an older person.

I'll have to check the books to see how other children are listed my assumption is the children most likely had the same father. I'll peek around at other households to see.

Warm regards,

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