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Temat postu: Help me find polish ancestry! “Gontarski&#8221  PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 07:09

Dołączył: 01-01-2025
Posty: 3

Status: Offline
Hello! My great grandfather is Frank Gontarski, likely born around 1870 in Poland/Russia. On paperwork, He said his parents were russian, though he spoke polish and we always believed we were Polish.

He went to America around 1905. Married Katherine Kopek and had children. They gave birth to my grandfather, John Gontarski in 1922 in NY. claims Frank’s parents may have been Joseph & Catherine Gunterski/Gontarski, who were Polish. Unfortunately we do not have a ton of additional information. John and his siblings were eventually put up for adoption in NY and we have lost all track of our ancestry.

Let me know if you can help.
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 10:43

Dołączył: 28-04-2016
Posty: 5030

Status: Offline
Unfortunately, the name Gontarski is quite popular.
Look at ... pol&exac=1

Doesn't the marriage certificate have the name of the town where he was born? Doesn't it have the names of his parents?

*** Szarlip, Zakępscy, Kowszewicz, Broczkowscy - tych nazwisk szukam.
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 14:11

Dołączył: 18-11-2018
Posty: 47

Status: Offline
Why not start by looking for his marriage and death records in America? That will definitely provide you with Frank’s parents names. Without that there is no point researching “Gontarski” name in a Poland.
Next step should be in my opinion , checking Ellis Island for Frank’s arrival info.That will give you, hopefully, name of town he came from and maybe even name of a relative in Poland left behind.
Good luck,
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 15:18

Dołączył: 03-07-2016
Posty: 14299
Skąd: Wrocław
Status: Offline
Zgodnie z prośbą o naturalizację, Frank Gontarski (poddany cara rosyjskiego) miał przybyć do Nowego Jorku 22 XII 1895 r. (z Hamburga):
Ale ja nie widzę takiej daty pośród statków, które wtedy przybywały do Nowego Jorku: ... %3D1368704

Był jakiś Franz Gontarski, który przybył z Hamburga do USA w 1901 r. (ur. ok. 1871 r.):
Ten (wg listy pasażerów) pochodził z Rosji i miał się urodzić w Ruskowie.
Zapewne chodzi o tę osobę: ... 871&exac=1
Tyle że ten Franciszek urodził się w Półwiesku Dużym, a nie w Ruskowie (co prawda w parafii Radziki Duże była wieś Ruszkowo). ... 7453&i=554

PS. Na znak, że moje tłumaczenie zostało zaakceptowane, proszę edytować pierwszy post, dopisując w temacie – OK (dotyczy działu tłumaczeń).
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 16:40

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3639

Status: Offline
Musisz koniecznie ,jak wyżej pisano ,
odszukać ślub,Akt Zgonu Franciszka ,sam zobacz,
odmiana /zapis nazwiska ,miejscowości......

Wg list pasażerskich na Liberty i familysearch
są żonaci
Zabór rosyjski:
Franciszek/Franc/Frank zapisy nazwiska
Gontarski/Gontarsky :zabór rosyjski
Rypin kuj-pom gub.Plock,
Gontarek -Kłótno
Gontarzensky Franciszek -Ostrolęka w 1903 26 kawaler

Marcel Gontarsky ur.ok.1877,Wistka w 1903
płynie do brata Franciszek Gontarsky Bliswille NJ

w 1913 drugi raz Marcel płynie do brata Antoniego Gontarsky -ur.ok.12.01.1861r.
żona Stefania Gontarska Wistka
Ślub 1899r.Wistka Szlachecka slub Marceli Gontarski lat 27
rodz.Mateusz Gontarski ,Jadwiga Wilczyńska
Stefania Kucińska
skan 28 wpis 12 ... se&goComme
Franciszek Gontarski ur.1865r.Wistka Szlachecka ... rdertable=
Gontarsky: ... =Gontarsky
Gontarski: ... =Gontarski
Franciszek Gontarski ur.16.08.1871r.Wąpielsk par.Radziki Duże ,zabór rosyjski,
rodz.Adam Gontarski ,Katarzyna Łaforesz?
skn 15 wpis 56 ... uery.query
Lista pasaż 1892r.:
Józef Gontarski 36 Łomża ,Jacob Gontarski lat 38 Łomza,Alex Gontarski lat 24Łomża
,Franciszek Gontarski lat 18 Łomża ... cc=2018318 ... cc=2018318


Ostatnio zmieniony przez Pobłocka_Elżbieta dnia 02-01-2025 - 10:29, w całości zmieniany 3 razy
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 16:56

Dołączył: 02-01-2010
Posty: 3620
Skąd: Hamburg
Status: Offline
Moim zdaniem ten plynacy w 1901 odpada bo:
Plynie w marcu 1901 z miejscowosci Ruskowo
poz. 6 ... cGciOw==/1
a w lipcu 1901 plynie zona Franciszka z Ruskow
poz. 1 ... cGciOw==/1

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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 18:09

Dołączył: 01-01-2025
Posty: 3

Status: Offline

Thank you for helping. Frank was naturalized by NY state Supreme Court in 1910, so I am looking to find record of that for more info. On 1925 census, he wrote he immigrated 19 years prior, so approximately 1906. Katherine Kopec is Austrian, so you may not be able to find her. I will let you know if I find more information from the naturalization papers.

Thanks again Smile
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 01-01-2025 - 19:16

Dołączył: 28-04-2016
Posty: 5030

Status: Offline
Katherine Kopec is Austrian

Not necessarily ... pol&exac=1

You need to read a bit about Polish history before 1918
Gallia (Polonia) est omnis divisa in partes tres Very Happy

*** Szarlip, Zakępscy, Kowszewicz, Broczkowscy - tych nazwisk szukam.
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 02-01-2025 - 04:28

Dołączył: 01-01-2025
Posty: 3

Status: Offline

Found death certificate.

Check out this record I found on the Ancestry mobile app ... t%3A108792

Says he was born in Poland 1869, parents were Joseph & Catherine Gontarski/Gunterski. Died Sep 4,1934.
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Temat postu:   PostWysłany: 02-01-2025 - 10:11

Dołączył: 01-01-2025
Posty: 3

Status: Offline
Hello everyone, my name is Trystan Stasica, and I live in Alabama in the USA. My situation is the other way around, as I would like to find family members still living in Poland who could help me learn more about my third great-grandparents, Stanisław Stasica (1857–?) and Anna Gałuszka (1859–?). I know nothing about them other than that they were the last members of the family to live in Poland, along with another pair of my third great-grandparents, Ignacy Janik (1842–?) and Regina Dzika (1845–?).

I don’t know of any communication with Poland after the family moved to the USA, apart from one letter that Anna wrote to her daughter Marianna Stasica (1885–1946). In that letter, Anna stated that she “survived the war” and was “101 years old.” Marianna received the letter a week before her death (it was Marianna who died, not her mother). I only discovered Marianna’s existence a few years ago and wondered why the surnames “Mrowiec” and “Morvice” keep appearing in my DNA results. I didn’t realize it was through her (Marianna is my second great-grandfather’s sister).

Marianna married Mateusz Mrowiec on August 28, 1906. They had one child in Poland and eight in the USA. The children born in the USA (or most of them) legally changed their surname to “Morvice” to make it easier for Americans to pronounce. Currently, their family is spread out across California and Michigan.

Another child of Anna and Stanisław was Karolina Stasica (1888–?), and all I know about her is that she moved frequently and married Władysław Mrowiec (1882–?) on July 21, 1925. Another child was Józef Stasica (1894–1917), about whom I know nothing. Another was Tomasz Stasica (1896–1953), and all I know about him is that he married Anna Jurasz (1900–1962) on October 24, 1922, and they had a daughter, Józefa Jurasz (1926–2000)(Uses of both Stasica and Jurasz). Józefa Jurasz married Andrzej Łukańko (1935–2006), and they have a son who currently lives in Łodygowice named Krzysztof Łukańko. He has two sons, Marek and Dominik Łukańko, but unfortunately, I don’t know who he is married to. I contacted him, but he blocked me, irritated by the time difference and my questions about other living relatives who might know more than he could share, which unfortunately wasn’t much. There were many other siblings but a lot of them died very young as infants.

My other pair of 3rd Great Grandparents (Ignacy Janik and Regina Dzika) had the following children (I know absolutely nothing on this side other than one sibling came over other than my 2nd Great Grandmother):
1. Marianna Janik (1871-Unknown) who married Jakub Pietrzak in 1887 and had the following children: Wiktoria Pietrzak (1888-Unknown), Franciszka Pietrzak (1890-Unknown), Franciszek Pietrzak (1893-Unknown)
2. Anna Janik (1873-1942) who married Jan Galiczak in 1896 and had the following children: Marianna Galiczak (1896-Unknown) who married Piotr Jelonek in 1920, Franciszek Galiczak (1899-Unknown), Franciszek Galiczak (1900-Unknown), and Wincenty Galiczak (1907-Unknown)
3. Tomasz Janik (1877-Unknown) who married Marianna Meier “Majer” in 1892 and had the following children: Józef Janik (1893-Unknown), Franciszka Janik (1894-Unknown), Bolesława Janik (1899-Unknown), Stanisława Janik (1904-Unknown), and Tomasz Janik (1907-Unknown)
4. Katarzyna Janik (1879-Unknown) with no known marriages
5. Marcin Janik (1881-Unknown) who married Józefa Rudzka in 1917 with no known children and previously married to a person whose name I don’t know but they were married on Nov 12, 1905 in Swinna
6. Karol Jan Janik (1884-1957) who married Marianna Christine Marszałek (1888-1963) in 1909 and had two children in Poland but the rest in the USA: Izydor Janik (1910-Unknown), Józefa Janik (1912-1987)(Her son does not believe that she changed her first name. He thinks it was always purely Josephine—Name she used in the USA), Edward Frank Janik (1913-1989), Frank Charles Janik (1918-1977), and William Charles “Bill” Janik (1927-2004)
7. Karolina Janik (1887-1937)(My 2nd Great Grandmother)(She never had a desire to live here I don’t think or struggled very much. Her husband sadly beat her badly and she secluded herself so much that she never even tried to learn English throughout her life and family rumor is that she committed suicide so that her husband wouldn’t break the Polish line for descendants like me through complete naturalization and it checks out because the process was started for her but she died before they could ever finish the process. Lived a VERY sad and miserable life. From what I’ve heard she really did have a different type of hatred for Americans, America, and their Language. Her children adored her dearly compared to their father) who married Karol Tomasz Stasica (1883-1963) on Nov 21, 1905 and had one child in Poland but the rest in the USA: Ferdynand Stasica (1906-1977), Walter Thomas Stasica (1911-1958), Rose Carolina Stasica (1912-2008), Emil Fred Stasica (1914-1989), Leo Walter Stasica (1916-1982)(My Great Grandfather), Stanley Joseph Stasica (1919-2012), Bruno Stanley Stasica (1920-2007), and Edward Josef Stasica (1924-2014)

This is all I know on anybody so please help if at all possible. Anything will most likely need to come from somebody in Poland’s common knowledge as I have already used Geneteka to get where I am.

Thank You All,
Trystan Stasica
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