Temat postu: Looking for indexes Toszek/Tost Wysłany: 18-10-2024 - 10:41
Dołączył: 19-04-2024
Posty: 66
Status: Offline
Does anybody know if there are indexes of this village in Toszek/Tost online?
This is the info I have but I can't find any indexes of the place at all:
Krystyna Ostasz zmarła 27.11.2012 ( urodzona 13.08.1952 w Pisarzowicach)
jej ojcem był Konrad Baszczok a mama Anna z domu Kowalska.
_________________ Giovanni
Temat postu:Wysłany: 18-10-2024 - 12:44
Dołączył: 28-04-2016
Posty: 5047
Status: Offline
Any indexes?
https://geneteka.genealodzy.pl/index.ph ... rdertable=
Krystyna Ostasz's documents are "too young" for genealogists.
Only close family members have access to them.
Ask at the registry office in the town where she died
Any indexes?
https://geneteka.genealodzy.pl/index.ph ... rdertable=
Krystyna Ostasz's documents are "too young" for genealogists.
Only close family members have access to them.
Ask at the registry office in the town where she died
Thank you very much, I thought my great grandparents would at least have to show up, but I got the info from the urzad stanu that they are from two whole different places