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brunogrze |
Temat postu: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 05-07-2024 - 12:39

Dołączył: 04-07-2024
Posty: 35
Status: Offline
Dzień dobry, I am seeking out actual birth information about my mother Irene (born 30.04.1932?) and her brothers and sisters who included Zbigniew, Krystyna, Kazimiera, Tadeuz, Danusha, Richard, Bogden +2? - all were sent to Siberia by the Russians. Their birth places were in eastern Poland, now in the Volyn Oblast region in Ukraine. Possible birth places include Kaszowka, Maniewicze (Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit) and Czerwacha. Any help / information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
moderacja (choirek)
We kindly ask each post to be signed with your real name. First name is good enough.
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Irek - moderator |
Temat postu: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 05-07-2024 - 12:49

Dołączył: 02-03-2020
Posty: 1335
Dzień dobry.
Do you have death certificate of your mother? There shoud be some additional informations (parents, place and date of birth). Do you have birth certificate? If not, you can ask Polish autorithies to send you one. You won't find any certificates, because 100 hundred years have not passed by yet, which is condition for these acts to be widely accessible.
Best regards,
Irek |
_________________ Pozdrawiam, Irek
brunogrze |
Temat postu: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 05-07-2024 - 13:10

Dołączył: 04-07-2024
Posty: 35
Status: Offline
Dzień dobry Irek. Place of birth for my late mother Irene - Kaszowka? on 30.04.1932? I do not have a birth certificate. Her parents - Ulian Bielecki & Helena nee?. I have spent many hours on different internet sites including this excellent site but to date have not been able to find any information. Kind regards. Bruno |
Temat postu: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 05-07-2024 - 15:26

Dołączył: 02-03-2020
Posty: 1335
pstrzel |
Temat postu: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 05-07-2024 - 16:49

Dołączył: 10-02-2020
Posty: 321
Skąd: Utah, USA
Status: Offline
Hi Bruno,
Bielecki is not a rare name, but this person may be of the your mother's siblings:
You may want to search that website if you haven't already. It's an archive of notes from people who've lived through the mass deportations to Syberia. Many are not accessible through the website, only in person, but I suppose a skan can be requested.
Keep in mind that "Danusha" is an anglicized diminutive of Danuta, so that's the name you should search for. Polish version of Richard is Ryszard. |
_________________ Pozdrawiam,
Piotr S.
PawelKoss |
Temat postu: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 11-07-2024 - 22:40

Dołączył: 21-03-2021
Posty: 412
Status: Offline
I've found this list of Beielcki family - repatriated to Poland on 1 July 1947:
Bielecka Irena born 7.8.1932, parents Julian, Helena
Bielecki Julian 7.3.1899, Edward, Kornela
Bielecka Kazimiera 24.3.1925, Julian, Helena, married 8.7.1947
Bielecka Krystyna 4.5.1930, Julian, Helena
Is this the family of your mohter?
And the second list:
Irena born 4.1.1932 Osada Kossowka, Wołyń, parents Julian, Helena
Kazmiera 24.3.1925, Maniewicze, Wołyń
Krystyna 24.9.1923, wieś Czerwacha, Wołyń
Paweł |
brunogrze |
Temat postu: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 12-07-2024 - 00:25

Dołączył: 04-07-2024
Posty: 35
Status: Offline
Thank you so much Pawel, I think the second list is that of my mother and her sisters (what do you mean by the 'second list').
Their parents were Julian and Helena, but in the first listing it gives a different birth date for Irena and a different birth date for her sister Krystyna? I also don't understand the 8.7.1947 marriage date for Julian and Helena?
It would be wonderful to find information also of my other aunts and uncles and information of my grandparents Julian and Helena.
Thank you again. Bruno |
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 12-07-2024 - 06:47

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3635
Status: Offline
BIELECKI Julian, osadnik wojskowy,
żona Helena z d. Kruczyńska - c. Adama i Anny z Czerewachy,
dzieci: Zbigniew, Irena, Krystyna, Anatol 1941. Wywiezieni na Sybir, po wojnie: w Anglii
KRUCZYŃSKI Adam, żona Anna z d. Morawska, dzieci: Bronisława (Iwanejko, w Karasinie), Helena (Bielecka, w Adamówce), Genowefa (Babula, w Siółkach), Maria (Sidorczuk), Konstancja (Buch), Antoni (może *1907?), Aleksander i Jan. Po wojnie: Wrocław, Szalejów Dolny, Złotów i Anglia. Adam zmarł w drodze z Warszawy do Wrocławia w czasie przesiedlenia z Wołynia, miejsce pochówku nieznane. |
_________________ Pozdrawiam
PawelKoss |
Temat postu: Re: Bielecki, Bielecka - Lutsk diocese?
Wysłany: 12-07-2024 - 07:26

Dołączył: 21-03-2021
Posty: 412
Status: Offline
brunogrze napisał:
Thank you so much Pawel, I think the second list is that of my mother and her sisters (what do you mean by the 'second list').
Their parents were Julian and Helena, but in the first listing it gives a different birth date for Irena and a different birth date for her sister Krystyna? I also don't understand the 8.7.1947 marriage date for Julian and Helena?
It would be wonderful to find information also of my other aunts and uncles and information of my grandparents Julian and Helena.
Thank you again. Bruno
The date of marriage is assigned to Kazimiera.
The second list is the list of Polish refugees who have been resident in the Polish refugee camp Kolhapur, India 1943-1948
Paweł |
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 12-07-2024 - 07:33

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3635
Status: Offline
brunogrze |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 12-07-2024 - 13:08

Dołączył: 04-07-2024
Posty: 35
Status: Offline
Ela and Pawel, thank you so much for this information - I am so very grateful.
Grandparents and aunts and uncles names and location appear to be a 'match'. I have located some very interesting information about my mother's travels (Irena) from Siberia to England including her stay in India but have no information about her birth and her birth place. Also, I had several other aunts and uncles who are not mentioned in your posts - I wonder where I could find information about them also?
The name Anatol (uncle?) is not a name that I recognise.
Kind Regards. Bruno |
Pobłocka_Elżbieta |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 13-07-2024 - 19:37

Dołączył: 22-01-2009
Posty: 3635
Status: Offline
obóz Kolhapur,India
Irena Bielecka ur.04.12.1931r./ur.04.01.1932r.Koszówka,Wolyn
przy repatriacji wpisano ur.07.08.1932r.
do brata Zbigniew Bielecki w 1950r.,wymieniony tez Tadeusz -brat
syn Bielecka Ryszaw -Ryszard ur.29.07.1949r.Bejrut,Liban
Brak poszukiwanych skanów tych lat.
Kaszówka, parafia Mielnica
gromada Kaszówka, gmina Wielick, powiat Kowel, woj. wołyńskie
Mielnica, parafia 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892
Na liście Repatriacyjnej :
część osób deklarowała powrót do Polski, a inni wyjazd do Angli
Bronisława Bielecka ur.1929r.rodz.Józef,Katarzyna ,U.K.w 1948r.
Bielecka Emilia ur.1926r.rodz.Józef ,Katarzyna,U.K. w 1948r.
Bielecka Katarzyna ur.1898r.rodz.Antoni ,Anna ,U.K.w 1948r.
Bielecka Stefania ur.1895r. rodz.Franciszek ,Elżbieta,
Cecylia Bielecka ur.1904r. rodz.Jan ,Maria
Janina Bielecka ur.1928r.rodz.Jan ,Felicja w 1947r.U.K.
Barbara Bielecka ur.1935r.rodz.Jan, Felicja,W 1947r.U.K.
Bielecki Jan ur.1934r.rodz.Antoni ,Aniela
Bielecki Adam ur.1936r. rodz.Antoni ,Aniela
na tej liście jest również:
Julian 13,02.1899 ,Irena 1932,Kazimiera ur.1925r.Krystyna 1930
Kazimiera Bielecka 08.07.1947r.wyszła za mąż
https://collections.arolsen-archives.or ... 240164&p=0 |
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brunogrze |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 15-07-2024 - 21:36

Dołączył: 04-07-2024
Posty: 35
Status: Offline
Thank you so much for this information. I have located the records for Mielnica, parishes 843 to 892 at
and have looked through a number of the gallery scans.
There is so much information written in language/s that I cannot read. Any help / guidance with how to be able to locate any family members in these records?
Thank you. Bruno |