Ostatnio zmieniony przez yishai8 dnia 25-05-2024 - 21:15, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
Temat postu: Translation of a polish birth certificate Wysłany: 25-05-2024 - 17:46
Dołączył: 29-03-2021
Posty: 1056
Status: Offline
Date and place of birth - Februar 10, 1889 Straszydle
Date and place of giving the name - Februar 11, 1899 Lubenia
Name Feiga Sara
sex female
illegitimate birth
father Chaskiel Raab unmarried from Straszydle
mother Ella Brachfeld unmarried from Straszydle , daughter of Szaja and Feige Brachfeld from Głogów
name sender Schneler Brachfeld from Straszydle
Midwife Maryana Płuczek from Straszydle
Temat postu: Re: Translation of a polish birth certificate Wysłany: 25-05-2024 - 21:14
Dołączył: 29-04-2024
Posty: 10
Status: Offline
janusz59 napisał:
Date and place of birth - Februar 10, 1889 Straszydle
Date and place of giving the name - Februar 11, 1899 Lubenia
Name Feiga Sara
sex female
illegitimate birth
father Chaskiel Raab unmarried from Straszydle
mother Ella Brachfeld unmarried from Straszydle , daughter of Szaja and Feige Brachfeld from Głogów
name sender Schneler Brachfeld from Straszydle
Midwife Maryana Płuczek from Straszydle
Thanks a lot!
Did you manage to read the last section which is crossed with lines?
Temat postu: Re: Translation of a polish birth certificate Wysłany: 25-05-2024 - 22:55