Temat postu: Information about my grandfather and repatriation documents Wysłany: 04-05-2024 - 20:13
Dołączył: 29-04-2024
Posty: 10
Status: Offline
TLDR - looking for PUR documents from 1946
My grandfather , Chaskiel (or Chaskel) Hauser was born in Kupno 12/4/1913 to Chaim-Elihu Hauser(https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/names/14931943) and Fajga Sara Raab (https://collections.yadvashem.org/en/names/3590801).
I didn't manage to find his birth certificate and i'm assuming he was registered in Kolbuszowa so that is probably in the USC.
Around 1939 he left Lwow to work in Debaltsevo,Ukraine and worked there until 1942 when the factory was evacuated to Siberia.
He left Poland on 1947 to Paris and from there to the USA.
I'm trying to find his repatriation document from 1946 (probably from Krakow) as well as any information about his life until the war where i have some documents.
I searched the forum for PUR documents (https://genealodzy.pl/PNphpBB2-printview-t-6102-start-0.phtml) but most threads are old and links are dead.
I would appriciate any direction you can give me here.
Temat postu: Information about my grandfather and repatriation documents Wysłany: 04-05-2024 - 21:29
Dokumenty ktorych szukasz powinny znajdowac sie w : Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
Warszawa, e-mail: secretary@jhi.pl https://www.jhi.pl/kontakt
Temat postu:Wysłany: 06-05-2024 - 11:28
Dołączył: 28-04-2016
Posty: 4876
Status: Offline
Documents from PUR Kraków are in Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie
Unfortunately, there are no scans on the Internet
Dokumenty ktorych szukasz powinny znajdowac sie w : Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
Warszawa, e-mail: secretary@jhi.pl https://www.jhi.pl/kontakt
Hi Grazyna and thanks for your comment.
By the looks of it I think what you found is his passport request which the CKZP (Centralny Komitet Żydow w Polsce ) worked on for Jews.
I will hopefully get to that archive soon to try and find it.
Temat postu:Wysłany: 06-05-2024 - 23:46
Dołączył: 29-04-2024
Posty: 10
Status: Offline
Krystyna.waw napisał:
Documents from PUR Kraków are in Archiwum Narodowe w Krakowie
Unfortunately, there are no scans on the Internet