Temat postu: Hutsteiner / Huthsteiner in Warsaw ~1760 Wysłany: 26-07-2023 - 09:50
Dołączył: 26-07-2023
Posty: 9
Status: Offline
Hello colleagues
I'm searching for the birth records of the children of Christian Huthsteiner. He was the court cashier at the Saxonian court in Dresden and moved with Saxonian duke to Warsaw and he obviously converted to Catholicism. At least one of his sons, Heinrich Christian Huthsteiner was born in Warsaw between 1761 to 1763, but I do not have any idea in what church he got baptised. Likely, several other children were born there between 1748 and 1761, too.
Christian Huthsteiner was mentioned two times as godfather in baptism records of parish Holy Cross, Warsaw downtown.
So, my questions:
where did Saxonian court members in Warsaw usually live (close to the palace ?) and what parish was incorporated there ?
Where can I find it's church records ?
Or did anybody find Huthsteiner/Hutsteiner/Hutstein records in Warsaw already ?
Thanks a lot
Josef Hutstein
Temat postu:Wysłany: 26-07-2023 - 10:11
Dołączył: 09-10-2008
Posty: 33909
Skąd: Warszawa
Status: Offline
Poszukaj, a się przekonasz/ you have to search to find
Temat postu:Wysłany: 26-07-2023 - 12:33
Dołączył: 09-10-2008
Posty: 33909
Skąd: Warszawa
Status: Offline
These are copies of two books, IMO only in these two books you can find baptism records form "1748-1761 Warsaw" which were not indexed in geneteka. The rest of the books ara indexed or lost or not from region which can called Warsaw or not from catholic parishes,