Temat postu: icon notation Wysłany: 04-04-2023 - 17:47
Dołączył: 04-04-2023
Posty: 3
Status: Offline
I found one of my ancestors Adam Smidowicz (-1790). To the left of his record line there is an icon "I" saying "Uwagi: akt z karty nr27, nobilis"
What is it: akt z karty nr27, nobilis and where could I find the original
Thank you for your help
Nikita Smidovich
Temat postu: icon notation Wysłany: 05-04-2023 - 17:55
Dołączył: 02-08-2012
Posty: 848
Status: Offline
Nobilis means szlachcic, nobleman in English
Temat postu: Re: icon notation Wysłany: 05-04-2023 - 19:16
Dołączył: 11-07-2021
Posty: 1198
SmidovichN napisał:
What is it: akt z karty nr27
[Death] Record on page 27
SmidovichN napisał:
where could I find the original
Державний архів Житомирської області
_________________ Łukasz
Temat postu: RE: Re: icon notation Wysłany: 09-04-2023 - 15:08
Dołączył: 04-04-2023
Posty: 3
Status: Offline
Thank you, Lukasz.
I understand that the original is in Державний архів Житомирської області. Are copies/scans available elsewhere?
Is the ref "[Death] Record on page 27" refer to the State archive or to some other collection? As to the State archive it seems to be a very generic reference.
Best regards