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F_Denel |
Temat postu: Pl to Eng - Marriage of Walerysiak & Nurzyńska - 1861
Wysłany: 16-10-2022 - 20:19
Dołączył: 16-10-2022
Posty: 1
Status: Offline
Is it possible receive a translation of the following marriage document from Polish to English?
Know details are below.
Thank you in advance,
Jakub Walerysiak (son of Jan Walerysiak and Elżbieta Baryga) and Franciszka Nurzyńska (daughter of Aleksander Nurzyński and Katarzyna Boguszewska) were married on 11.11.1861 in Czerwińsk parish in Boguszyn, Parlin
Reference information:
Zespół: 0488/D- Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rzymskokatolickiej w Czerwińsku
Jednostka: 1861
Katalog: Małżeństwa
Akt: 22
Link to the scan of the document:
https://metryki.genealodzy.pl/metryka.p ... =1&x=0&y=0 |
sniedlich |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 21-10-2022 - 08:19

Dołączył: 10-05-2019
Posty: 73
Status: Offline
Marriage happened on November 11th 1861 in Czerwiński at 3.00 pm
Jan Ruszcz, 24yo, farmer/householder from Boguszyn
Paweł Piekut, 28yo, laborer from Boguszyn
Jakub Walerysiak, youngman, 23yo, born and living in Boguszyn, son of deceased Jan Walerysiak and Elżbieta of Baryga. both laborers from Boguszyn
Franciszka Nurzyńska, virgin, 19yo, born and living in Parlin, daughter of Aleksander and Katarzyna of Boguszewski, both farmers/householders.
Marriage was preceded by 3 announcments on October 27th, November 3rd and 10th in parish church in Czerwińsk with approval of mother and parents of newlyweds.
Newlyweds declare they did not make prenuptial agreement.
Marriage was established by Czerwińsk Parish parson Jan Żurawski. This Document was read to newlyweds and depoants and signed just by parson as newlyweds and deponants are illiterate. |