Autor |
Wiadomość |
Schroeder_Robert |
Temat postu: Re: Ancestry
Wysłany: 24-01-2025 - 22:44

Dołączył: 09-06-2024
Posty: 30
Status: Offline
Grazyna_Gabi napisał:
kasperek_ryszard napisał:
Dzień dobry. Bardzo proszę o pomoc ponieważ utknąłem w miejscu. Poszukuję mojego stryja, który jako 17 letni chłopak został wywieziony do Niemiec w 1941r. Jan KASPEREK s. Władysława i Władysławy Kubickiej, ur. 1923r, zam. Kawczyn woj. świętokrzyskie. Po wojnie wyjechał z Niemiec przez Włochy do Australii na statku SS Castel Bianco - do portu w Sydney w dn. 03 sierpnia 1949r. Osiedlił się w Australii, ożenił się, miał córkę Annę Marię.
Z góry dziękuję za pomoc i pozdrawiam. Ryszard.
Nie z ancestry ale moze sie przyda.
Wg dokumentow z Bad Arolsen ur. sie 17.01.23 no i matla inna bo Jozefa Kubicka.
https://collections-server.arolsen-arch ... 83/001.jpg
Dokumentow w Arolsen jest wiecej.
Mysle, ze to jego tablica nagrobna z innymi krewnymi
Data dzienna inna ale chyba blednie odczytana, no i jest
Jan Anthony i Dorothy Selena (moze zona)
https://images.findagrave.com/photos/20 ... c6b9e.jpeg
https://austcemindex.com/?family_name=K ... butor=5038
Here is the link at Find A Grave to the text:
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/180 ... 4wLjAuMA..
It seems that Jan had two daughters - one of whom is deceased, and the other who is 'Private" (meaning still living) on Ancestry. Looking at MyHeritage is seems Jan's living daughter married a man with the surname of Sorenson. Here is tJan's "life story" text from Ancestry:
"Jan Anthony Kasperek was born on January 12, 1923. He married Dorothy Selina Roach in 1956 in New South Wales, Australia. They had two children during their marriage. He died on April 26, 1992, at the age of 69, and was buried in Sandgate, New South Wales, Australia."
- Bob Schroeder |
Schroeder_Robert |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 25-01-2025 - 21:22

Dołączył: 09-06-2024
Posty: 30
Status: Offline
Jura_Joanna napisał:
Witam serdecznie, bardzo proszę, jeżeli ktoś z Państwa posiada taką możliwość, o odkrycie rekordu na "ancestry"
https://www.ancestry.com/search/?name=A ... e=advanced
"Ana Salomon Clugar"
"Ana Salomón Cohen"
Z góry bardzo dziękuje za pomoc
I found 2 records, the text is below.
From: Uruguay, Select Civil Registration Records, 1870-1930
Name Ana Salomon Clugar
Gender Female
Birth Date 1 may. 1928 (1 May 1928)
Birth Place Departamento Montevideo, Uruguay
Father Israel Salomon Clugar
Mother Adela Cohen Saprosnik
Section Number Registro Civil, Sección 4
Certificate Number 68
Page 35
FHL Film Number 1615666
From: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Immigration Cards, 1900-1965
Name Ana Salomon Cohen de Goldemberg
Gender Female
Marital Status Married
Birth Date 1 de mai de 1928 (1 May 1928)
Birth Place Montevidéu
Arrival Date 1954
Arrival Place Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Father Israel Salomon
Mother Adela Cohen
- Bob Schroeder |
mariosoares |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 07-02-2025 - 18:31

Dołączył: 26-03-2022
Posty: 63
Skąd: Górny Śląsk
Status: Offline
Schlesien |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 07-02-2025 - 21:47

Dołączył: 20-12-2023
Posty: 39
Skąd: Chorzów / Hamilton
Status: Offline
mariosoares napisał:
Proszę o odkrycie danych z pierwszego rekordu Carl Scholz z 1898, Verwandte Gottlieb:
https://www.ancestry.de/search/collecti ... =1898-1898
Z góry dziękuję,
Name Carl Scholz
Death Age 55
Event Type Sterbefall (Death)
Birth Date abt 1843
Death Date 03 Jun 1898 (3 Jun 1898)
Death Place Breslau (Wroclaw), Preußen [Polen (Poland)]
Death Civil Registration Office Breslau II, Krs Breslau
Gottlieb Scholz
Certificate Number 1588
Source Citation
Landesarchiv Berlin; Berlin, Deutschland; Personenstandsregister 1876-1945; laufendenummer: 7615
Source Information
Ancestry.com. Eastern Prussian Provinces, Germany [Poland], Selected Civil Vitals, 1874-1945 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.
Original data: Zivilstandsregister, 1874–1945. Digital images. Landesarchiv, Berlin, Deutschland.
Rafał |
mariosoares |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 07-02-2025 - 22:55

Dołączył: 26-03-2022
Posty: 63
Skąd: Górny Śląsk
Status: Offline
Dziękuję, choć liczyłem na akt zgonu dziecka...
Radosław |
Marika |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 08-02-2025 - 00:08

Dołączył: 16-03-2012
Posty: 283
Status: Offline
Schroeder_Robert |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 08-02-2025 - 00:32

Dołączył: 09-06-2024
Posty: 30
Status: Offline
Marika napisał:
Dobry wieczór
Proszę o odkrycie rekordu nr 16 - Bronisław Radvan (proszę o wszystkie dane):
https://www.ancestry.com/search/collect ... me=_Radvan
Serdecznie dziękuję i pozdrawiam
Hello Kasia,
Here is the information for the 16th record on the list from the link you provided:
The "Life Story" - Bronislaw Radvan was born on 7 February 1923 in Sejny, Podlaskie, Poland. He had one daughter and one son with Emma Doreen Rees. He died on 5 August 2019 in Denham, Buckinghamshire, at the age of 96.
Here is what is contained in the "Facts" section:
Age 0(AGE)
Select fact
7 Feb 1923 • Sejny, Podlaskie, Poland
1 source
Death of mother Eugenia Wasilowski (1896–1926)
2 Jan 1926
Select fact
1 source
Death of father Henryk Bienkiewicz (1882–1940)
1940 • Kurapaty
Death of wife Emma Doreen Rees (1923–2009)
06/05/2009 • High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England
Select fact
5 Aug 2019 • Denham, Buckinghamshire, England
There was one record source attached to his profile. from "Poland and Great Britain, Polish Air Force in Great Britain, 1940-1947" :
Name Bronisław (Radvan) Bieńkiewicz
Military Rank Sergeant
Poland Rank Plutonowy
Birth Date 7 lut 1923 (7 Feb 1923)
Birth Place Sejny, Polska (Poland)
Military Date 1940-1947
Occupation Pilot
Known or Last Assignment/Post Brak Danych
Decorations ML
RAF Service Number 706570
Last Known Place of Residence Brak Danych
Bob Schroeder |
Marika |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 08-02-2025 - 09:48

Dołączył: 16-03-2012
Posty: 283
Status: Offline
Schroeder_Robert napisał:
Marika napisał:
Dobry wieczór
Proszę o odkrycie rekordu nr 16 - Bronisław Radvan (proszę o wszystkie dane):
https://www.ancestry.com/search/collect ... me=_Radvan
Serdecznie dziękuję i pozdrawiam
Hello Kasia,
Here is the information for the 16th record on the list from the link you provided:
The "Life Story" - Bronislaw Radvan was born on 7 February 1923 in Sejny, Podlaskie, Poland. He had one daughter and one son with Emma Doreen Rees. He died on 5 August 2019 in Denham, Buckinghamshire, at the age of 96.
Here is what is contained in the "Facts" section:
Age 0(AGE)
Select fact
7 Feb 1923 • Sejny, Podlaskie, Poland
1 source
Death of mother Eugenia Wasilowski (1896–1926)
2 Jan 1926
Select fact
1 source
Death of father Henryk Bienkiewicz (1882–1940)
1940 • Kurapaty
Death of wife Emma Doreen Rees (1923–2009)
06/05/2009 • High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England
Select fact
5 Aug 2019 • Denham, Buckinghamshire, England
There was one record source attached to his profile. from "Poland and Great Britain, Polish Air Force in Great Britain, 1940-1947" :
Name Bronisław (Radvan) Bieńkiewicz
Military Rank Sergeant
Poland Rank Plutonowy
Birth Date 7 lut 1923 (7 Feb 1923)
Birth Place Sejny, Polska (Poland)
Military Date 1940-1947
Occupation Pilot
Known or Last Assignment/Post Brak Danych
Decorations ML
RAF Service Number 706570
Last Known Place of Residence Brak Danych
Bob Schroeder
Thank you so much 😀
Kasia |
Marika |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 11-02-2025 - 12:14

Dołączył: 16-03-2012
Posty: 283
Status: Offline
Schroeder_Robert |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 11-02-2025 - 19:24

Dołączył: 09-06-2024
Posty: 30
Status: Offline
Marika napisał:
Dzień dobry
Jeszcze jedna prośba, jeśli mogę, o odkrycie rekordów:
https://www.ancestry.com/search/?name=B ... oselection
rekord nr 1 Bolesław Apanowicz
rekord nr 7 lista pasażerów Bolesław Apanowicz
https://www.ancestry.com/search/?name=B ... ction&pg=2
rekord nr 8 obituary Grace B. Apanowicz zm. 1996
Hello Kasia,
I think I found the records.
Bolesław Apanowicz
in the Poland and Great Britain, Polish Air Force in Great Britain, 1940-1947
Name Bolesław Apanowicz
Military Rank Corporal
Poland Rank Sierżant
Birth Date 23 wrz 1917 (23 Sep 1917)
Birth Place Sejny, Polska (Poland)
Military Date 1940-1947
Occupation Monter Silnikowy
Known or Last Assignment/Post 305 Db
Decorations 4xML
RAF Service Number 784508
Death Date 15 sie 1996 (15 Aug 1996)
Burial Place Doylestown, PA, USA
Boleslaw Apanowicz
in the New York State, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1917-1967
Name Boleslaw Apanowicz
Arrival Age 32
Birth Date abt 1919
Arrival Date 29 Jun 1951
Arrival Place New York, New York, USA
Destination New York
Ship Normunde
From Grace Apanowicz (nee Bagley) Obituary
Name Grace B. Apanowicz
Maiden Name Bagley
Gender Female
Death Date 4 Jul 1996
Burial Place Doylestown, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA
Obituary Date 9 Jul 1996
Obituary Place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Newspaper Title The Philadelphia Inquirer
Spouse Boleslaw
Child Anna D'Annunzio
The text of the obituary is:
July 4, 1996 grace B. (nee Bagley), beloved wife of Boleslaw and dear mother of Anna (Buttons) D’Annunzio; Grace is also survived by her grandchildren Nicole and Kimberley D’Annunzio. Relatives and friends are invited to her Funeral Wed., 9 A.M .at the Slabinski Funeral Home 2164 Orthodox St. services 10 A.M. Int. Our Lady of Czestochowa Cemetery, Doylestown, Viewing 7 to 9 P.M.
Bob Schroeder |
Marika |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 26-02-2025 - 15:02

Dołączył: 16-03-2012
Posty: 283
Status: Offline
prodwin |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 26-02-2025 - 16:09

Dołączył: 11-11-2024
Posty: 21
Status: Offline
Marika napisał:
Dzień dobry
Czy mogłabym jeszcze prosić o odkrycie jednego rekordu?:
https://www.ancestry.co.uk/search/?name ... e=advanced
Rekord nr 2 - Wanda S. Debowski.
Dzień dobry, proszę:
Name Wanda S Debowski
Registration Date Apr 1950
[May 1950]
[Jun 1950]
Registration Quarter Apr-May-Jun
Registration District Bristol
Inferred County Avon
Mother's Maiden Name Henderson
Volume Number 7b
Page number 84
Piotr B. |
katarzyna.s |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 26-02-2025 - 20:53

Dołączył: 03-01-2023
Posty: 10
Status: Offline
prodwin |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 26-02-2025 - 21:23

Dołączył: 11-11-2024
Posty: 21
Status: Offline
katarzyna.s napisał:
Bardzo proszę o odkrycie dwóch pierwszych rekordów.
Katarzyna S
https://www.ancestry.com/search/?name=a ... se=_zelazo
Dzień dobry,
Name Anton Skorupa
Death Age 70
Event Type Sterbefall (Death)
Birth Date abt 1826
Death Date 04 Jan 1896 (4 Jan 1896)
Death Place Sandowitz, Preußen
[Polen (Poland)]
Death Civil Registration Office Sandowitz, Krs Gross Strehlitz OS
Franz Skorupa
Certificate Number 1
Name Anton Skorupa
Gender männlich (Male)
Marriage Age 59
Event Type Heirat (Marriage)
Birth Date 29 Mai 1825 (29 May 1825)
Marriage Date 03 Jun 1884 (3 Jun 1884)
Marriage Place Sandowitz, Preußen
[Polen (Poland)]
Marriage Civil Registration Office Sandowitz, Krs Gross Strehlitz OS
Franz Skorupa
Antonie Skorupa
Victoria Bogdot
Certificate Number 11
Piotr B. |
katarzyna.s |
Temat postu:
Wysłany: 26-02-2025 - 22:48

Dołączył: 03-01-2023
Posty: 10
Status: Offline