Genealodzy.PL Genealogia
Tłumaczenia - angielski - Need help with Polish
katrinh - 02-06-2010 - 06:48
Temat postu: Need help with Polish
Could anyone help me with translation from Polish? I have the marriage record of my second great-grandparents from Pabianice Lutheran Church, I do understands some words but the exact text and the translation would be highly appreciated. English or German would be great!
The marriage record is HERE
Tallinn, Estonia
PS. Sorry for writing in English, unfortunately I do not understand Polish.
Grant - 02-06-2010 - 12:58
Temat postu: Need help with Polish
Hello. I am not a native Polish speaker, but I will give it a try:
It happened in Pabianice on the second of November, eighteen hundred
ten two*, at one o'clock in the afternoon
wiadomo izuejmy that in the presence of witness Jacob
Hejwownance, okupuista in Markowek, age fourty-
six, ___ Jouara Hranki, okupuista in Wynygalowna
age thirty-seven on the day ____ zawarde
__________ between Krystycin Lauf-
fer, __________living in Markowek,
born in Pawtekowiczek of the deceased ?Chrzyasto?
and that"s all i have time for. It's 6:47 AM here in the US and i have to get to work. Maybe someone else can help?
(*I do not understand why there are two numbers given)
katrinh - 02-06-2010 - 14:10
Temat postu:
Many thanks to you, Grant!
There are some things I already know - or I think I know - about this record:
The marriage took place on 2 Nov 1862 in Pabianice. Jakob Heinemann and Jonas? Frank were most likely the witnesses at the ceremony. They both have undersigned the record.
The name of the groom should be Krystyan Lauffer - born in Pawlikowice? his father is Chryzostom Laufer? mother Krystyna Kr...?
The bride is Ernestyna Reszke - father is Kryztyan Reszke? mother Ludwika ...? born in Ludwinca? living in Chorzeszow?
What is okupnik? I would like to know every detail that can be discovered from this record. They (Christian and Ernestine) came from Poland to Estonia in 1877 and I know nothing about their earlier life in Poland. Who were they, what they were doing to earn their living etc. This marriage record is the only evidence of Polish origin I have on them.
piotr1869 - 02-06-2010 - 17:36
Temat postu:
It happened in Pabianice, the 2nd day of November, in the year 1862, at the hour of five past mid-day. We declare that, in the presence of the witnesses Jakób Hejnemann, tenant farmer from Markówka, age 46, as well as Jonasz Frank tenant farmer from Wymysłów, age 37, on this day a religious marriage took place between: Krystyan Lauffer, bachelor, age 23, a laborer living in Markówka, born in Pawlikowice from the deceased couple Chryzostom Lauffer, former forest shooter (?) and his spouse Krystyna born Kropla (or Krepla?) living in Markówka; and the maiden Ernestyna Reszke (?), age 21, born in Ludwinka and working as a servant in Markówka, daughter of the deceased Krystyan Reszke, former tenant farmer from Chorzeszów, and his surviving spouse Ludwika born Wronkowska also from Chorzeszów.This marriage was preceded by three banns (published) at the Parish of Pabianice, on the 19th and 26th of October and the 2nd of November in the current year. Permission to marry was given orally by both mothers present at the act of marriage. Obstacles to the marriage were not given. The newlyweds announced that they did not sign a premarital agreement. This document was read to the newlyweds and witnesses, and was signed by me and the witnesses because the newlyweds are illiterate.
The original document was written in old Polish. If in translating I followed the syntax exactly, it would in places be difficult to understand. For this reason, I have taken some liberty with the translation but be assured that the essential facts have not been altered.
All names are left in their original Polish versions including the Christian names.
All places are in the present area of the city of Łódz. I couldn’t find a Ludwinka near Łódz using multiple sources. On the other hand there was a Ludowinka near Łódz with a parish affiliation of Mikołajewice and a township affiliation of Wodzierady, both west of Łódz.
I hope this adds something. Unfortunately, there is only so much one can learn from such documents.
piotr1869 - 02-06-2010 - 19:22
Temat postu:
Działo się w Pabianicach dnia drugiego Listopada, tysiąc ośmset sześćdziesiątego drugiego roku, o godzinie piątej popołudnia. Wiadomo czyniemy że w obecności świadków Jakóba Hejnemann, okupnika z Markówki, lat czterdzieści sześć tudzież Jonasza Frank, okupnika z Wymysłowa lat trzydzieści siedm mających na dniu dzisiejszym zawarte zostało religijne małżeństwo między Krystyanem Lauffer, młodzianem, wyrobnikiem w Markówce zamieszkałym, urodzonym w Pawlikowicach z zmarłego Chryzostoma Lauffer, byłego strzelca leśnego i jego w Markówce zmieszkałej małżonki Krystyny Kre(Kro)plowej, lat dwadzieścia trzy mającym, a panną Ernestyną Reszke, córką zmarłego Krystyana Reszke, byłego okupnika w Chorzeszowie i jego tamże zamieszkałej małżonki, Ludwiki z Wronkowskich, lat dwadzieścia jeden liczącą, w Ludwince zrodzoną i w Markówce w służbie zostającą. Małżeństwo to poprzedziły trzy zapowiedzi w Parafii Pabianickiej w dniach dziewiętnastym i dwudziestym szóstym Października i drugiego Listopada roku bieżącego jako też zezwolenie ustne obecnym Aktowi małżeństwa matek nowozaślubionych oświadczone. Tamowanie małżeństwa nie zaszło. Małżonkowie nowi oświadczają iż umowy przedślubnej nie zawarli. Akt nowozaślubionym i świadkom przeczytany przez nas i świadków tylko podpisany został; gdyż nowozaślubieni pisać nie umieją.
Since you expressed such strong interest in this document, for completeness I decided to send you this transcription of the original. No grammar or spelling corrections were made.
I forgot to make clear that: “okupnik” is tenant farmer and “strzelec leśny” is (literally translated) forest shooter.
It was a pleasure to work with your document.
With warmest regards,
katrinh - 02-06-2010 - 19:25
Temat postu:
Thank you very-very much, piotr1869, for this perfect translation and for the explanations!
So if I would like to find the birth records etc. I must apparently look at the Pabianice parish chuch books in the first place - as they seem to be born in this area.
At the beginning of my research on my roots this Polish branch seemed to be impossible to discover. Other country, language I do not know... But obviously - everything is possible!
piotr1869 - 02-06-2010 - 21:14
Temat postu:
For further information concerning Krystyan, Ernestyna and their parents, you need to make use of the Polish State Archive at Łódz. There, by searching Pabianice records, you have a good chance of finding: 1) births (if any) of the children of Krystyan and Ernestyna; 2) Krystyan’s birth record (Pawlikowice records are lumped with those of Pabianice); 3) from the latter record, information concerning Krystyan’s parents. If (????) I am correct, and Ernestyna was born in Ludowinka, then searching the parish records of Mikołajowice at the Łódz archive should yield Ernestyna’s birth record and information concerning her parents.
To connect with the Łódz archive, go to and click the English version link.
I am curious. How did you obtain the marriage record I’ve translated?
If I can help any further, please let me know. I wish you the best of luck.
piotr1869 - 03-06-2010 - 05:29
Temat postu:
Katrin, I'm very sorry. I've made a small error in my previous message which is very important. Ernestyna's parish is MIKOŁAJEWICE not MIKOŁAJOWICE.
Luziński_Marcin - 03-06-2010 - 13:40
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'strzelec leśny' is 'leśniczy' in modern Polish, forest officer in English
katrinh - 03-06-2010 - 21:55
Temat postu:
Christian and Ernestine were Germans who lived in the area of Lodz. In 1877 they came to Estonia.
From the Kose parish (in Estonia) member lists I have found following information on them:
Christian Laufer
his wife Ernestine nee Reschke
their children
Adolf (my great grandfather) born 26.8.1863 in Markowka
Christian 15.11.1865 in Markowka
Magdalene 11.5.1868, birth place is written as Zales, Governorate Kalisz
Emilie 13.1.1871 in Markowka
Pauline 18.3.1874 in Podwiaczyn
Bertha 22.12.1876 in Wiaczyn
next children were born already in Estonia.
I contacted the Society of German Genealogy in Eastern Europe and asked if they have any data on my Polish-German ancestors. This marriage record was sent to me by a member of this Society. The Society is doing a huge work extracting the church records and putting them into a database, but I haven't found any futher data on my ancestors in this database yet. However, apparently Ernestine had at least one sister and one brother.
By the way - Christian was a forest officer here in Estonia as well – so perhaps this profession ran in the family.
Piotr, thank you for the advise. I am really eager to find every possible information about my ancestors. It is like an incurable sickness – you find something new and you want more!
piotr1869 - 05-06-2010 - 00:33
Temat postu:
Katrin, I have a private message for you and I’ve sent it as such. I’m hoping you’ll manage to retrieve it from your “in-box”. On the main page of the site, see “prywatne wiadomości” and click on „skrzynki”.
Magroski49 - 07-07-2010 - 20:14
Temat postu:
Prosba o pomoc - akta slubu - po polsku ... a81ac.html
Bardzo dziekuje,
kwroblewska - 07-07-2010 - 22:38
Temat postu:
...a Panna Jozefata Magrowska, córka Wojciecha i Katarzyny z Wozniaków Magrowskich Małzonkow Ekonomów zamieszkałych wsi Zbylczycach Parafii? ...... ..przy Rodzicach zostaiącą i zamieszkałą Urodzona wsi Poddębice Parafii Kruszyn maiaca rok dwudziesty
Magdalena_Strózik - 07-07-2010 - 22:50
Temat postu:
... mającym rok 19, a panną Józefatą Magrowską, córką Wojciecha i Katarzyny z Woźniaków małżonków Magrowskich, Ekonomów zamieszkałych we wsi Zbylczycach parafii (?) przy rodzicach zostającą i zamieszkałą, urodzoną we wsi Poddębie parafi Kruszyn, mającą rok 20. Małżeństwo to poprzedzały trzy zapowiedzi....
Informacje na temat wsi Zbylczyce: ... m_XIV/536. Niestety nazwa parafii (Grodzisk) nijak nie pasuje do tekstu.
Magroski49 - 08-07-2010 - 00:53
Temat postu:
Bardzo dziekuje, Krystyna i Magda!
Gilberto (Brazylli)
Magroski49 - 11-07-2010 - 00:31
Temat postu:
Translation to english, please (back of pictures): ... c2944.html ... e330b.html
Bardzo dziekuje,
bezet - 11-07-2010 - 02:03
Temat postu:
my wife Zosia;Alan son of my brother from England 55 and me
my son Tadeusz is dead 7.X.2007 , he was 53
my brother's daughter Karol; my brother; my wife; my daughter -in law ; me; my daughter with my grandson
at the right side my daughter -in-law Malgosia she is 52 ;behind me Heniek 80;my wife 74;my daughter Grazyna 55 old;
my son- in-law 57 old;my grandson 32 old
bezet - 11-07-2010 - 02:19
Temat postu:
Gilberto-second photo
my son Ryszard 39old;
his wife Malgosia 40 old;
his son Pawel 18 old;
his son Tomek 13 old;
Now ,they all are 12 years older
Son of my daughter Robert 32;
my son -in -law Ryszard 57;
my wife Zosia;
me and my brother Tadeusz from England
Magroski49 - 11-07-2010 - 03:27
Temat postu:
bezet napisał:
a line is missing: brata córka z angli Susan 56
(Susan 56, daughter of my brother in England?)
at the right side my daughter -in-law Malgosia she is 52 ;behind me Heniek 80;my wife 74;my daughter Grazyna 55 old;
my son- in-law 57 old;my grandson 32 old
bezet - 11-07-2010 - 11:33
Temat postu:
Witaj Gilberto
There is not any missing.
1)address www.fotosik........../353...c2954.html
"moja zona Zosia-my wife Zosia;
syn Alan mojego brata z Anglii 55-Alan 55 old son of my brother from England ;
i ja -and me;
moj syn Tadeusz juz zmarl 7.X.2007 -my son Tadeusz, he is dead 7.X.2007;
Corka mego brata Karol- Karol my brother's daughter ;
moj brat-my brother;
moja zona-my wife;
my daughter-in-law;
moja corka-my daughter;
i wnuczek-and my grandson Pawel;
Z prawej moja synowa Malgosia -at the right side my daughter-in law Malgosia 52 years old;
za mna Heniek 80-behind me Heniek 80;
moja zona Zosia 74-my wife Zosia 74;
moja corka Grazyna 55-my daughter Gazyna 55;
my son-in-law 57;
moj wnuczek 32-my grandson 32;
2) address www.fotosik...../d1b....e330b.html
moj syn Ryszard 39 lat-my son Ryszard 39 years old;
jego zona Malgosia 40- his wife Malgosia 40;
jego syn Pawel 18-his son Pawel 18;
jego syn Tomek 13-his son Tomek 13;
Now ,they are 12 years older.
Corki mej syn Robert 32-my daughter's son Robert 32;
ziec moj Ryszard 57-my son-in-law Ryszard 57;
zona moja Zosia-my wife Zosia;
i brat z Anglii Tadeusz -and my brother Tadeusz from England;
These are all persons.
There is not Susan.
bezet - 11-07-2010 - 19:08
Temat postu:
You are right.
Underneath line: "corka Grazyna55,ziec 57,wnuczek32",there is one more line,but it's hardly to see.
"brata corka z Anglii Susan 56"-Susan 56, daughter of my brother in England !
Best regards
Łopiński_Jacek - 11-07-2010 - 23:12
Temat postu:
bezet napisał:
my son Tadeusz is dead 7.X.2007 , he was 53
There's [...7 IX 2007...] (September)
Jacek Łopiński, Szczecinek
Magroski49 - 12-07-2010 - 01:01
Temat postu:
Thanks to both of you.
Zygmunt, I have found out that by double-clicking on the image it enlarges a bit more, so that one can read the part at the bottom of it.
Magroski49 - 01-08-2010 - 14:27
Temat postu:
I have received the message below, but I don't read Polish. If anyone can help me by translating it, maybe in return I can help the sender.
Dziekuje bardzo.
Witam na jednej ze stron odnalazłem swoicj prapra dziadków , a właściwie nie wiem dokładnie co dzieli mnie bariera językowa. W każdym bądź razie występują tam oboje jest to : ... marr2.html
występują pod datą 1854 r w pozycji oznaczonej akt.1 1 Kolodziejski, Jan Andrzejkiewicz, Franciszka.
Jan to mój prapra dziadek Franciszka wiadomo prapra babcia usiłuję odnaleźć więcej członków rodziny rozchodzi
się o ich dzieci dwoje już odnalazłem co do reszty szukam wiem tylko że jeden z synów to Józef ur.1872 r
drugi zaś Roman/Wawrzyniec ur.1869. czy ewętualnie można by uyskać więcej informacji np.odnośnie JanaKołodziejskiego i
jego żony Franciszki z domu Andrzejkiewicz (gdzie np.urodzeni lub imiona rodziców)
prosił bym o odpowiedź ułatwiło by mnie to dalsze poszukiwania genealogiczne.
bezet - 01-08-2010 - 17:35
Temat postu:
"On the one side I've found my greatgreat-grandparents and actually I don't know exactly who I've found,because separate me
language barrier. Anyway,there are they both. ... marr2.html
They are there on date 1854 year in point label 1 1 Kolodziejski,Jan Andrzejkiewicz,Franciszka.
Jan is my greatgreat-grandfather,Franciszka, ofcourse, is my greatgreat-grandmother .I try to find more people from my family.
I have problem about their children.I've found two their children but about more... I find them.I know that one of son of Jan and Franciszka is Jozef, born 1872,other was Roman/Wawrzyniec, born 1869. If you can, eventual, reach more informations about Jan Kołodziejski and his wife
Franciszka de domo Andrzejkiewicz(where they was born or first name their parents)?
I have ask to you for answer.It would be make easier my farther genealogical search."
Magroski49 - 01-08-2010 - 21:58
Temat postu:
Thank you, Zygmunt
Could you translate an answer to him?
(I am sorry I cannot help you, but I don't have any additional information about the Kolodziejski family).
bezet - 01-08-2010 - 23:05
Temat postu:
Of course,I could.
Odpowiedź Gilberta:
"Przykro mi, nie mogę Ci pomóc.Nie mam żadnych dodatkowych informacji o rodzinie Kołodziejskich."
Magroski49 - 07-10-2010 - 21:27
Temat postu:
I am having a hard time to understand the steps needed for a search in ZOSIA system, as described in a message in this forum. I hope someone can help me with a translation.
Dziekuje bardzo
Skany - tylko akta metrykalne i USC ( ... ialy=42.43 )
W górnym, lewym narożniku ekranu mamy białe pole (z lewej strony obrazku 'klawiatury' i 'lupki').
Tutaj najprościej wpisać nazwę miejscowości (parafia czy USC). Wyszukiwarka potrafi zinterpretować np. 'Kwilcza' jako 'Kwilcz' ale im prościej tym lepiej.
Klikamy na obrazek 'lupki' po prawej stronie nazwy miejscowości jaką wpisaliśmy.
Ja wpisałem Modrze, z prawej strony ekranu otrzymałem:
Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej Modrze (pow. poznański)
Urząd Stanu Cywilnego Modrze (pow. poznański)
Kursorem myszy wskazujemy dowolony tekst w interesującej nas pozycji (sygnaturę czy opis), kursor ze 'strzałki' zmienia się na 'rączkę'.
Klikamy lewym klawiszem myszki.
Na ekranie mamy 'fiszki' vel 'zakładki' opisane:
|Informacje o zespole | Serie (9) | Jednostki (0/99)|
zamiast 9 moga być różne inne cyfry...
Kursorem myszy wskazujemy |Serie (9)|, kursor zmienia się na 'rączkę', klikamy lewym klawiszem myszki.
Na ekranie mamy ponumerowaną listę interesujących nas 'serii': (Urodzenia, Zgony, etc).
Kursor myszki ustawiamy na numerze czy opisie (mamy kursor 'rączkę'), klikamy lewym klawiszem myszki.
Na ekranie mamy 'jednostki' oznaczone pełnymi sygnaturami.
Kursorem myszy wskazujemy dowolony tekst w interesującej nas pozycji, kursor ze 'strzałki' zmienia się na 'rączkę'.
Klikamy lewym klawiszem myszki.
Na ekranie mamy pełne dane jednostki (czyli np. księgi zgonów).
Na ekranie mamy 'fiszki' opisane:
| Informacje o jednostce | Skany (99) |
Kursorem myszy wskazujemy |Skany(99)|, kursor zmienia się na 'rączkę', klikamy lewym klawiszem myszki.
Na ekranie mamy miniatury skanów.
Jeżeli brakuje 'fiszki' |Skany(99)| mamy pecha - skany dla tej JEDNOSTKI nie są dostępne
Z pewnością istnieją jednak w ramach wyszukanego ZESPOŁU, SERIE i JEDNOSTKI ze skanami.
Klikamy więc w wyszukiwarce myszką przycisk 'Wstecz'/'Powrót do poprzedniej strony' (obrazek strzałki w lewo w górnej lewej części ekranu).
Na ekranie mamy znowu 'jednostki' oznaczone pełnymi sygnaturami.
Kursorem myszy wskazujemy dowolony tekst w innej interesującej nas pozycji, kursor ze 'strzałki' zmienia się na 'rączkę'.
Klikamy lewym klawiszem myszki, i tak do skutku
jhzs - 07-10-2010 - 22:52
Temat postu:
Here is a quick translation:
Scans (Skany) – only metrical documents (tylko akta metrykalne) i USC ( ... ialy=42.43 )
In upper left corner of a screen you have a white box (to the left from a picture of a 'keyboard' and a 'magnifier').
It is easiest to write a name of a town (parish or USC) here. Search engine is able to understand, for example 'Kwilcza' as 'Kwilcz' but the simpler the better.
Click a picture of a magnifier, right from the town name you've introduced.
I wrote Modrze, in the right part of a screen I received:
Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej Modrze (pow. poznański) (civil records from roman-catholic parish in Modrze (county Poznań)
Urząd Stanu Cywilnego Modrze (pow. poznański) (civil records office in Modrze (county Poznań)
You have to point your mouse any text in an item that we are interested in (id number or description), coursor changes from an arrow to a hand.
Left click it.
You can see following tabs:
|Informacje o zespole (information about a group of documents)| Serie (9) (series (9)) | Jednostki (documents) (0/99)|
Instead of 9 you can have different numbers...
You have to point to |Serie (9)|, coursor changes to hand, left click it.
You can see numbered list of interesting series: (Births, Deaths, etc.) We point a number or description (coursor is a hand now), left click.
You have now documents ('jednostki') with full signatures (id numbers).
We point to any tekst in interesting item, coursor changes from arrow to a hand. Left click.
Now you can see full details of a document (for example death register).
There are following tabs:
Information about document (Informacje o jednostce | Scans (99) (Skany (99))|
We point ot Scans (99) (Skany (99), coursor changes to a hand, left click it.
You can now see small scans.
If there is no Scans (99) (Skany (99)) tab you have a bad luck – scans for this document are not awailable
But , for sure there are in a searched group of documents (ZESPÓŁ) series (SERIE) and documents (JEDNOSTKI) with scans,
So you need to click in your browser Back button (a picture with an arrow in the left upper part of your screen). And you have again documents (jednostki) with their full ids (sygnatury). You point to any text in interesting item, coursor changes from an arrow to a hand. Left click and so on...
Magroski49 - 15-10-2010 - 21:26
Temat postu:
A friend of mine has sent a message ( to the AP in Mlawa one week ago, searching for a birth record of her great-grandfather, born in 1884, in Milewko.
Since she had no answer so far, I went to check the AP website ( ) and it seems that some application form has to be filled in order to request records.
We would appreciate itvery much if anyone could check this for us and let us know if we are doing somethin wrong.
Is there an application form?
Which one?
Can the form be sent by email or it has to be by tradicional mail?
Do they require a proof of relationship?
Thank you.
Karasewicz_Patrycja - 19-10-2010 - 23:57
Temat postu:
I took a quick look at the website (I've never dealt with AP myself) and there seems to be a form to be filled out. You need to send it to the appropriate National Archive location. I went to the main page, then clicked on the left side menu "udostepnianie". This gets you to the info page and when you scroll down there are the forms. You need the one that says: Formularze w formacie .doc i .rtf - wnioski o wydanie: Aktu stanu cywilnego - 85 kB . They say you can send the application either through regular post or through email.
The costs associated with this are in the link on the same page above: obowiązującym cennikiem (long document and all in Polish). But I assume once they are ready to look for your document they will sent you an email to tell you how much it will cost you and how to pay it. Let me know if you need help in filling out the form. I am not around for most of tomorrow, but will be glad to help on Thursday.
Magroski49 - 20-10-2010 - 02:28
Temat postu:
Thank you very much for your help.
Magroski49 - 10-01-2011 - 14:07
Temat postu:
I would like your help with some words found in vital records:
-dwudziestoletnim (20?) - this declensioned form is new to me.
-synem nieżyjącego Jana i żyjącej Agnieszki (who was dead and who was alive?)
-osiemnastoletnią (18?)
-siedmiomiesięczna dziewczynka
Thank you.
george - 10-01-2011 - 14:33
Temat postu:
Hi Gilberto,
-dwudziestoletnim - 20 years old
-synem nieżyjącego Jana i żyjącej Agnieszki: Jan - dead, Agnieszka - alive
-osiemnastoletnią - 18 years old
-dwudziestosześcioletnim - 26 years old
-siedmiomiesięczna dziewczynka - 7 months old girl
-trzydziestoośmioletnie - 38 years old
karolina79 - 10-01-2011 - 14:41
Temat postu:
Magroski49 napisał:
I would like your help with some words found in vital records:
-dwudziestoletnim (20?) - this declensioned form is new to me.
-synem nieżyjącego Jana i żyjącej Agnieszki (who was dead and who was alive?)
-osiemnastoletnią (18?)
-siedmiomiesięczna dziewczynka
Thank you.
if I can help
-dwudziestoletnim (20?)
I don't know the whole context. If about an age - >"being 20 years old"
- synem nieżyjącego Jana i żyjącej Agnieszki (who was dead and who was alive?)
"being a son of Jan who is deceased and Agnieszka who is alive"
-osiemnastoletnią (18?)
"being 18 years old"
"being 26 years old"
-siedmiomiesięczna dziewczynka
"a seven month old girl"
I don't know the whole context. If about a marriage -> "have been married for 38 years"
Magroski49 - 10-01-2011 - 15:46
Temat postu:
Thank you, George and Karolina.
Magroski49 - 14-01-2011 - 12:38
Temat postu:
Can someone transate this link for me? I would like to contribute to Geneteka, but I don't know how it works.
Also, does anyone know how do I upload the scanned images of the records I have?
rbodziony - 14-01-2011 - 13:30
Temat postu: ... kpomoc.php
kasiek - 14-01-2011 - 14:28
Temat postu:
the best way would be to scan the records to some sort of web album (google has Picasa Web Album for free) and link the picture to this site. You can set the links up as private, public or only for those who have the link.
Magroski49 - 15-01-2011 - 14:22
Temat postu:
Witaj, Kasiek!
Thanks for your help and suggestion. My intention is that the images could be available directly from Geneteka database, as I have seen here in many cases, specially in indexed records from Warszawa parishes. (the orange button named SKAN, at the right side of the record).
kasiek - 15-01-2011 - 18:15
Temat postu:
I looked at the instructions and here it is:
you need to prepare excel spreadsheet..
and email it along with the scans to geneteka @
They will take care of the rest. Easy, right?
Magroski49 - 02-02-2011 - 22:57
Temat postu:
Can someone translate this message?
Dear Mr. Reszka,
You can count on me to index polish church records of the Lublin Project.
I am already an indexer and I am able to identify who were the witnesses, who were the goparents, who married who, who died, who was born, day-month-year of the event,birth place, name of the parish, etc.
Best Regards.
kasiek - 03-02-2011 - 00:37
Temat postu:
Drogie Panie Reszka,
moze Pan na mnie liczyc przy ineksowaniu lubelskiego projektu. Mam doswiadczenie przy indeksacji i potrafie rozroznic nazwiska swadkow, kim byli rodzice chrzesni, kto sie z kim ozenil/wyszedl za maz, kto umarl, kto sie urodzil, daty, miejca, nazwy parafii, itd.
Magroski49 - 03-02-2011 - 15:04
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Bardzo dziekue, Kasiek
Being an indexer is sometimes an exhausting experience. The language is not the barrier, because of helpful people like you. However, it is very hard to face the lack of interest of those who are - allegedly - asking for help.
kasiek - 03-02-2011 - 15:49
Temat postu:
Are you interested in indexing only polish documents? always needs help with indexing; all you have to do is sign up and voila you get access to worldwide docs...
Magroski49 - 04-02-2011 - 11:45
Temat postu:
I signed up the Family Search indexing project just as soon as it was launched. After indexing hundreds of Censuses records I stopped doing so, because my main interest has been indexing polish records. And I have indexed hundreds of them, which were uploaded to some brazilian, polish and american genealogical databases.
Milego weekendu.
kasiek - 04-02-2011 - 14:10
Temat postu:
I agree, censuses are not fun, but...there is a polish project on familysearch, you cant see it on the list though...the admin has to sign you up..(the same Mr. Reszka you wrote the email to)
Milego weekendu to you 2!!!
ps. I work with a girl from Brasil
Magroski49 - 02-03-2011 - 15:26
Temat postu:
I would like your help in translating the following senteces.
1) Imię dziecka – Nicolaus, natomiast z imieniem ojca też mam kłopoty, ale skłaniam się ku Andrzejowi. Przydałby się materiał porównawczy. W przypadku słabo czytelnych, przebijających zapisów, nie publikując zapisów sąsiednich stawiasz tłumacza w mało komfortowej sytuacji.
4) Zawód pierwszego chrzestnego to oviator (owczarz).
5) Józefie 39%; Józefinie 1%, bo to dość rzadka forma wtedy)
(Kazimiera odpada - żeńskie formy imion słowiańskich zaczęto u nas stosować powszechnie dopiero pod koniec XIX wieku)
9) ...nam (sądząc po dacie chrztu, założyłbym: „Magdalenam”)
Tak więc płeć żeńską dziecka da się orzec bez cienia wątpliwości jedynie w zapisach nr 3, 4 (jedno z bliźniąt) oraz 9.
kasiek - 02-03-2011 - 15:48
Temat postu:
1) child’s name – Nicolaus; I have a problem when it comes to the name of the father although I think is it Andrew (Andrzej). It would be great to have comparative material. It is not easy to translate low quality records when the surrounding records are not available for comparison.
4) profession of the first godparent – shepherd
5) Jozefie 39%, Jozefinie 1% (rare form) (% is the probability that the translation is correct); it is definitely not Kazimiera – not until the end of XIX century we began to use widely the female version of Slavonic names
9)….we (?...I would like to see the full sentence…might mean something else) (based on the date of the baptism I bet on “Magdalenam”)
So the female child is only positively identified in record #3,4 ( one of the twins) and #9
Magroski49 - 02-03-2011 - 16:10
Temat postu:
Great job, Kasiek!
Many thanks.
kasiek - 02-03-2011 - 18:50
Temat postu:
any time
katrinh - 15-07-2013 - 08:10
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Three years have gone since my first post here and now I am asking for help again. I have found birth record of my great grandfather Adolf Laufer, born in Markowka ... 83-286.jpg No. 285
and birth records of his parents Christian Laufer ... 39-044.jpg No. 44 and Ernestine Reschke ... 59-066.jpg No. 63
And the marriage record of Christian Reschke and Luise Frank ... 19-022.jpg No. 19
I'd be very grateful if someone could help me with reading and translating of those records!
Katrin from Estonia
NikaModzelewska - 15-10-2013 - 21:52
Temat postu:
285 Kolonia Markówka
It happened in Pabianice on 30 August 1863 at 5 pm.
Krystian Laufer aged 25, worker in Markówka presented with Jakób Hejnemann, okupnik [I think it's a farmer on leased land] from Markówka aged 48 and Jonasz Frank also okupnik from Wymysłów aged 38 and showed us a boy born in Markówka on 26 August of this year at 10 am of his wife Ernestyna born Heszke aged 22.
At the christening performed today the boy was named Adolf, the godparents: Jakób and Katarzyna Hejnemann.
The act was signed by the witnessess Jakob Heinemann and Jonas Frank.
44 Pawłowice
It happened in Pabianice on 1 April 1839 at 8 am.
Chryzostom Laufer, forest shooter from Pawłowice aged 50, presented with Wojciech Wróbel, farmer from Pawłowice aged 40 and Bogumił Arlt, also a farmer from Pawłowice aged 46, and showed us a boy born yesterday at 9 pm in Pawłowice of his wife Chrystyna born Krepl aged 40.
At the christening performed today the boy was named Krystyan, the godparents: Bogumił Arlt and Marcyanna Maliskowa.
The act was signed only by the priest, the witnessess do not write.
63 Ludowinka
It happened in Mikołayewice on 8 April 1841 at 12 noon.
Krystian Reszke aged 24, protestant, lease farmer from Chorzeszów, presented with Piotr Rayter aged 46, and Floryan Maliszeski aged 40, both lease farmers from Ludowinka, and showed us a girl born yesterday at 4 pm of his wife Lovisa born Frankowska aged 25.
At the christening performed today the girl was named Ernstyna, the godparents: Piotr Rayter and Karolina Reszke of Ludowinka.
The act was signed only by one witness Piotr Raiter and the priest, the other does not write.
19 Ludowinka and Jesionna
It happened in Mikołayewice on 14 September 1830 at 3 pm.
In the presence of witnessess Daniel Eichman aged 40 and Karol Myps aged 56, both lease farmers from Jesionna a religious protestant marriage was celebrated between Jan Krystyan Reszke, son of Jan Wojciech, already deceased, and Barbara born Dederko, his wife still living, aged 18, born in Ludowinka and maiden Ludwika daughter of Daniel Frankowski and Dorota born Rauc,from Jesionna, aged 17, born in Huta Janoska.
There were 3 banns preceding the marriage, no premarital agreement was made, permission was given by present parents.
The act was signed only by the priest, the witnessess do not write.
Good luck with digging up the roots!
katrinh - 16-10-2013 - 04:45
Temat postu:
Hi Nika!
Thank you so much for translating these records!
Best regards
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