Genealodzy.PL Genealogia

General Discussion ( English, German, French, Russian .. inne ) - Bronislawa Cholewa -- born 1885 -- Immigrant to USA

lee_9876 - 02-06-2019 - 18:05
Temat postu: Bronislawa Cholewa -- born 1885 -- Immigrant to USA

I was just referred to your site by the New York State Archives. We have a family member who is related to a Bronislawa Cholewa from Poland.

We would like to compare info to verify if ours is the one on your site. Your site info is:

Rok [Year]: 1885
Akt: 2
Imię [First Name]: Bronisława
Nazwisko [Surname]: Cholewa
Imię ojca [Father’s Name]: Jan
Imię matki [Mother’s name]: Anna
Nazwisko matki [Mother’s surname]: Czajkowska [family name would be the masculine, “Czajkowski”]
Parafia [Parish]: Miedzna
Miejscowość [Locality]: Zieleźniki

Our Bronislawa Cholewa immigrated to America and married John Rainis. She died in 1944 in New York state. We would love to find out if the above listing is ours!

We would be glad to share the research we have.

If you can help me, or direct me to someone else who can, I would be most appreciative.

Thank you SO much![/b]
Aquila - 02-06-2019 - 19:08
Temat postu: Bronislawa Cholewa -- born 1885 -- Immigrant to USA
You're lucky, here's her birth certificate (lower document, "no.2"): ... RoC0YyPhSQ
Pobłocka_Elżbieta - 02-06-2019 - 19:12
Temat postu:
Skorzystaj z Geneteki: ... p;to_date= ... rdertable= ... rdertable=
lee_9876 - 02-06-2019 - 19:25
Temat postu:
Thank you SO much!!

Do you think they are one and the same? I have an Bronislawa Cholewa passenger record where she is immigrating. The birth date there is listed as 1884. The birth date on your website, as well as her tombstone, is 1885.

We are unsure if these two listings -- the ship record and the one on your website are two different young women or one and the same.

Do you think "your" Bronislawa is ours?! We hope so!!

If they are the same person, we would be glad to send you some things.

We are SO appreciative and grateful for your sharing and help!!!!
Grazyna_Gabi - 02-06-2019 - 20:14
Temat postu:
Do USA plyna 3 Bronislawy:
1. Cholewa, Bronislawa Rabka, Galina 21 1883-1884 1905
2. Cholewa, Bronislawa Fink, Galicia 21 1891-1892 1913
3. Cholewa, Bronislana USA 1 1904-1905 1906

Ad.1 Bronislawa plynie w 1905 do Franciszka Kubinski?, pochodzi z Rabki, Galicja.
Ad.2 Bronislawa plynie w 1913 do brata Stanislawa, pochodza ze wsi Fiuk, Galicja.
Ad.3 Bronislawa plynie w 1906 wraz z rodzicami i rodzenstwem, ma 1 rok.
Pochodza z miejscowosci Wola jada do brata ojca - Marcina Cholewy, Pa.
Ktora Wola - nie wiem.

Ktora z nich jest Twoja ?

lee_9876 - 02-06-2019 - 21:37
Temat postu:
Again, thank you SO much!

I think I have some of the below; I got them from I am just not sure which one is "ours".

Is there a way I can attach some documents to send to you? I am not sure how to do it on this website.

I can send you the US censuses, cemetery info and tombstone photo.

You are most kind and we are most appreciative!
Grazyna_Gabi - 02-06-2019 - 22:00
Temat postu:
Dokumenty i zdjecia mozesz zalaczyc na forum przez: ... 743/719745
Moze ktos cos w j. angielskim dolaczy.

cemetery ... awa-rainis

lee_9876 - 04-06-2019 - 14:35
Temat postu:

If you have sent a reply, I am sorry I have not received it.

Do you have the censuses, city directories, etc. for John and Bronislawa Cholewa Rainis from If not, I will be glad to send them to you.

Photos: The granddaughters are going to go to their parents and get some scanned to send you. They do not have any of John and Bronislawa, their great-grandparents, but they do have some of their son, also named John, and his family.

We are all SO excited and grateful to have found you!

Thank you for so generously sharing with us. We will work hard to find things to share with you!

Grazyna_Gabi - 04-06-2019 - 16:15
Temat postu:
Musisz odnalezc Bronislawy - Naturalization - w tym dokumencie moze byc podana dokladna
data urodzenia oraz nazwa miejscowosci w ktorej sie ona urodzila.
Cos takiego:
W akcie slubu tez powinno byc podane miejsce urodzenia ale z tym roznie bywalo poza granicami
Chyba chodzi o to aby odnalezc akt urodzenia wlasciwej Bronislawy, Twojej prababci.
Koniecznie nalezy szukac w USA dokumentow ktore beda zawieraly wiecej informacji
o jej miejscu pochodzenia w Polsce. Jak bedziemy to mieli wowczas bedziemy szukac
w Polsce jej aktu urodzenia i rodziny.

Nie mam dostepu do ancestry.

lee_9876 - 04-06-2019 - 16:47
Temat postu:
Did the US censuses load and get to you?

If not, I will see if our daughter can help me.

It is wonderful it offers translations. The problem is some of the site translates to English and others do not. I have loaded the censuses and checked for them to go to the "forum". I am just not sure I am clicking all the right buttons for them to load since some of the instructions are still in Polish.

Please let me know and if they did not, I will see if our daughter can help me out. She does not speak Polish either but she is far better at computers than I am!

Thank you SO much for your patience! We will get them to you as soon as we can!

Grazyna_Gabi - 04-06-2019 - 18:39
Temat postu: Re: Bronislawa Cholewa -- born 1885 -- Immigrant to USA
lee_9876 napisał:

Rok [Year]: 1885
Akt: 2
Imię [First Name]: Bronisława
Nazwisko [Surname]: Cholewa
Imię ojca [Father’s Name]: Jan
Imię matki [Mother’s name]: Anna
Nazwisko matki [Mother’s surname]: Czajkowska [family name would be the masculine, “Czajkowski”]
Parafia [Parish]: Miedzna
Miejscowość [Locality]: Zieleźniki[/b]

Znaleziona przez Ciebie Bronislawa - NIE jest Twoja Bronislawa !!!
ta zmarla jako niemowle majac 1 miesiac:
1886 15 Bronisława Cholewa Jan Anna Czajka Miedzna Zieleźniki ... rdertable=

Odszukaj w America akt slubu, moze beda podane imiona rodzicow Bronislawy.

Prawdopodobnie to bedzie Bronislawa ktora plynela w 1905 r. z Rabki
do Kubinskiego Franciszka ze Skawy. Kubinski plynal w roku 1903.
manifest, poz. 5 ... cGciOw==/1
Rabka i Skawa to sasiednie miejscowosci.

Metryk z Rabki nie ma online ale sa lata:
Kopie metryk parafii RABKA URODZENIA I CHRZTY Lata: 1815-1820,1823-1826,1828-1837,1839 -1842,1845 -1853,
1870 -1881,1883 -1884
sa w Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnejw Krakowie. ... tualny.pdf
Niestety brak roku 1885 i wyzej.

Jak beda znane imiona jej rodzicow bedziesz mogl starac sie o akt urodzenia.

W spisach ludnosci w USA raczej nie podawano miejsca urodzenia.

lee_9876 - 04-06-2019 - 21:38
Temat postu: RE: Re: Bronislawa Cholewa -- born 1885 -- Immigrant to USA
So very sorry this is delayed. Previously the forum translated your messages. Now, even though I click the English/American flag for it to translate, it does not. Finally, I found a website that will do translations. I got your last two forum replies translated.

Bronislawa Cholewa on your website: I understand now this poor little girl died as a very young child.

1905 Ellis Island passenger list: I understand this is probably "ours". I have it but did not know if it was her or not.

US Censuses: I have tried send them to you. I can load them through zapodaj but part of the site is in English and part in Polish. I am going to have to get some help to insure I am doing it right and you are getting them!

Citizenship: I have checked with the National Archives and they said citizenship forms can -- or cannot have - the hometowns. This is what we are really needing to further research.

In the 1940 census, John Rainis is listed as having an application pending. Bronislawa does not.

The expected wait time to get one is 4-6 months.

Alien Registration: During WWII, every non-US citizen had to fill out this form. It is complicated. The National Archives encourages people to first order an index of all such related immigrant forms. They say if one orders a specific form, it may not be there but there may be others that are.

Again, the estimate wait time is 4-6 months.

Thank you, once more for your patience. We are SO appreciative. I am really trying but just do not understand the Polish parts of the site.

I will try to see if I can get someone to help me load the US censuses as attachments.

Again, thanks SO very much!

Grazyna_Gabi - 04-06-2019 - 22:05
Temat postu: RE: Re: Bronislawa Cholewa -- born 1885 -- Immigrant to USA
Spokojnie, bez pospiechu Smile
Musimy wiedziec wiecej aby odszukac wlasciwa Bronislawe, Twoja Bronislawe ! Shocked
Koniecznie musisz zdobyc imiona jej rodzicow, powinni byc wymienieni w akcie
malzenstwa z John'em.

Moj post dobrze zrozumiales Very Happy

Pobłocka_Elżbieta - 05-06-2019 - 07:41
Temat postu:
Jest jeszcze kolejna Bronisława Cholewa
Książnice – wieś w Polsce położona w województwie podkarpackim, w powiecie mieleckim, w gminie Mielec.

Bronislawa Cholevia
New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
K...a, Galicia
22 listopad 1910
Ellis Island, New York City, New York, United States
Tels?A Chodera, Jan Cholewa

Cholevia Bronislawa lat 20,do NY,panna -na liście wpisana Cholewa,Korawnica?,Mielec,Galicia,Austria
płynie do ojca Jana Cholewa do NY
ID 1046750300042
15.11.1910r z Bremen w New York 22.11.1910r.
Kua...zniec ?.Austria ,Galicia
l.p. 12 na liście pasażerów ... cGciOw==/1

druga strona listy,ojciec Jan Cholewa,matka Telaga? Cholewa ... cGciOw==/1

z tej samej miejscowości płyną lp.13 i 14
Skowron Helena lat 25 ,do męża Maciej Skowron ,Webster,Mass
córka Heleny-Józefa lat 7

Jan Cholewa lat 37,żonaty
New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
30 April 1903
Ellis Island, New York City, New York, United States
Josef Nicowski

lp.17 ... cGciOw==/1
Grazyna_Gabi - 05-06-2019 - 08:44
Temat postu:
Dzieki, czyli mamy do kolekcji czwarta Bronislawe Shocked
Ona pochodzi z Krzemienicy (powiat mielecki) - tak odczytuje.
Akurat tego nazwiska na poludniu jest cala masa, tylko z Rabki emigruje wiele osob o tym
nazwisku (Cholewa/Holewa).
Frank nie podal roku zawarcia malzenstwa, bardzo by sie przydal rok urodzenia pierwszego dziecka,
te informacje by zawezily lata wyjazdu z kraju. Nie wspomne juz o imionach jej rodzicow ktore akt
malzenstwa powinien zawierac.
Mam nadzieje, ze postara sie o te podstawowe dane.
Moze nie wszystko rozumie o czym my tutaj piszemy, wyswietlen jest cala masa ale
nikt nie ma ochoty przetlumaczyc podstawowych informacji na j. angielski Crying or Very sad

Ciekawa jestem czy ponizszy census z roku 1930 dotyczy rodziny Bronislawy
czyli Fran'a ?
Name John Rainis
Ereignistyp Census
Ereignisdatum 1930
Ereignisort Binghamton, Broome, New York, United States
Geschlecht Male
Alter 44
Familienstand Married
Rasse White
Rasse White
Verhältnis zum Haushaltsvorstand Head
Verhältnis zum Haushaltsvorstand Head
Geburtsjahr (geschätzt) 1886
Geburtsort Lithuania
Einwanderungsjahr 1907
Geburtsort des Vaters Lithuania
Geburtsort der Mutter Lithuania
Blatt (Buchstaben) B
Blattnummer 17
John Rainis Head M 44 Lithuania
Bronislawa Rainis Wife F 42 Poland
John Rainis Son M 17 New York
Mary Rainis Daughter F 15 New York
Wanda Rainis Daughter F 9 New York
Stephen Rainis Son M 7 New Yor ... cc=1810731

Jesli tak to by znaczylo, ze maz pochodzi z Litwy a pierwsze dziecko John rodzi sie ok 1913 r. czyli slub 1913 lub wczesniej.
Z tego wynika, ze pod uwage musimy brac dwie Bronislawy, chociaz ta druga troche mloda:
1. Cholewa, Bronislawa Rabka, Galina 21 1883-1884 1905
2. (czwarta) Cholevia, Bronislawa K...a*, Galicia 20 1889-1890 1910

* Książnice lub Krzemienica (powiat mielecki) ... karpackie)
lub ... _mielecki)

Shocked czytam orginal census'a a tam stoi, ze Bronislawa przybyla do
USA w 1905 r. Exclamation czyli to bedzie ta z Rabki Question

Krystyna.waw - 05-06-2019 - 14:37
Temat postu: Re: Bronislawa Cholewa -- born 1885 -- Immigrant to USA
lee_9876 napisał:
Bronislawa Cholewa immigrated to America and married John Rainis. She died in 1944 in New York state

1. Have you their marriage act?
2. Do you know when their first (oldest) child was born?

I have checked with the National Archives and they said citizenship forms can -- or cannot have - the hometowns

Give yourself a chance Wink Wait for this document
Have you any document connected to her naturalization / citizenship?

Is there a way I can attach some documents to send to you?

Downolad your documents to any cloud, for example, or
After that give us (forum users) the link to them
lee_9876 - 07-06-2019 - 02:26
Temat postu:

Site at end of this message: My daughter came over and decided this was the easiest way for her to load the attachments.

US Censuses: I am sending the only one where it is noted she came from "Galica". I have others that just say "Poland" if you want them.

Passenger lists: Attached are the ones for Bronislawa Holewa/Cholewas from 'Galica". Two have birthdates in 1892 while the other is marked "probably" for its birthdate would be 1884. Her tombstone has 1886.

Bart Holewa: He is also from 'Galica" and I am wondering if he might be a relative.

Marriage records: Still cannot find. I called the county genealogical society in their hometown. She suggested an index on but no matter how I spelled the names, I could not get it to come up.

You are so very patient with me and I am most appreciative!

Thank you so very much!

Fran ... sp=sharing
Krystyna.waw - 07-06-2019 - 16:55
Temat postu:
lee_9876 napisał:

Passenger lists: Attached are the ones for Bronislawa Holewa/Cholewas from 'Galica"

Not only Galicia. I see the city name: Rabka
lee_9876 - 08-06-2019 - 02:09
Temat postu:
Census: It is a great find, isn't it? I have been researching using US censuses since the early 1990s. I have only seen the country of immigration on censuses -- never once the hometown! So to me, this is just amazing!

Passenger/immigration list: Do you think it is as good a match as I do? There are a number with the same name but the birth year is 1892 or she came over much later than 1913 when we know their first child was born.

More censuses/photos: Do you want more censuses/city directories which show where they lived in NY? Please let me know and I will be get our daughter to load them.

The granddaughters are working on getting the best photos they can. As soon as they get them scanned and sent to me, I will get them to you.

May I ask: Are you related to Bronislawa Cholewa? Whether you are related, or just being terribly kind and helpful, we are simply delighted to have "met" you!

You have helped us get farther than we ever have! Thanks SO much!!

Grazyna_Gabi - 09-06-2019 - 18:24
Temat postu:
Zdjecia ktore zalaczyles niczego nie wyjasniaja sa to listy pasazerskie ktore juz wczesniej zostaly odszukane
i w poprzednich postach zalaczone.
Mamy cztery Bronislawy Cholewa jedna z nich moze byc Twoja.
Jesli chcesz miec te wlasciwa, Twoja, musisz postarac sie o akt malzenstwa !!!
Mieli duzo dzieci wiec moze jeszcze zyja najstarsi czlonkowie tej rodziny trzeba ich przepytac
moze pamietaja jakies szczegoly.
Galicja to duzy obszar, zylo tam sporo, moze nawet tysiace osob o nazwisku Cholewa.
Oto Galicja:
Polska w porownianiu z USA to maly kraj ale to nie znaczy, ze latwo jest odnalezc i ustalic
osobe ktorej poszukujemy.

Z aktu malzenstwa dowiemy sie:
- daty zawarcia slubu,
- imion rodzicow,
- wieku,
- moze cos wiecej ...
Czekamy na akt malzenstwa.

lee_9876 - 09-06-2019 - 22:51
Temat postu:

As always, many thanks!

Next week I will try hard to find a marriage record. It has not come up on Of course, ancestry contains only what has been submitted to it and while it has many records, it does not have them all.

Of course, you may already know this, in the US, unless someone has collected all the county marriage records to form a state-wide compilation, they are kept in the county courthouse.

So, one would have to check the records for every courthouse, county by county.

New York state's marriage records are compiled and on I have checked every spelling variation I can find and cannot find John and Bronislawa.

I will see if I can figure out more variations for "Rainis" and also check nearby states next week. I can ask if any of the granddaughter's extended family have any idea where else they might have lived but, in the past, they have told me they know of no one who knows anything.

Will get back as soon as I have more to report.

Your time and efforts to help are SO appreciated!!

Grazyna_Gabi - 10-06-2019 - 08:00
Temat postu:
Nie wiem dokladnie jak jest w USA ale sadze, ze na ancestry umieszczane sa akty malzenstwa
z urzedow panstwowych czyli odpowiednikow polskich Urzedow Stanow Cywilnych.
Bronislawa pochodzila z Polski i prawdopodobnie byla wyznania katolickiego a wiec zapewne
chciala miec slub katolicki. Znasz miejsce urodzenia pierwszego dziecka, szukaj w tym
rejonie parafii katolickich moze nawet polskich parafii. Jesli wzieli slub w kosciele katolickim
to tam tez bedzie spisany akt malzenstwa.

lee_9876 - 25-09-2019 - 17:29
Temat postu:

I FINALLY got the papers I sent for from the US National Archives. The information I have for Bronislawa Cholewa Rajnes is:

Born: January 6, 1885 in Rapko, Poland

Immigrated to US: Dec. 15, 1911 in New York, New York

Married: January 9, 1911 in Binghamton, NY to John Rainis

Problem with dates: This may be a typo.

The marriage date is Jan 1911 in NY and then it says she entered the US in Dec. 1911. I will try to check this out again on In the past, I have been unable to come up with anything that was definite. I could find Polish Bronislawa Cholewas who immigrated but just not sure which, if any, were ours.

If you can help me locate who her parents were, or direct me to another source that could, I will be SO appreciative!

With MANY thanks for your time, help and kindness ~~

Fran Barker
Augustynowicz_Karolina - 25-09-2019 - 18:35
Temat postu:
If your Bronislawa was born in Rabka (I assume it's Rabka because there's no town in Poland by the name of Rapko), then she's the one who emigrated to the United States on July 12, 1905: ... =651492661

Bronislawa Cholewa
Gender Female
Birth Circa 1884
Arrival July 12 1905
New York, New York, United States
Departure Bremen
Ship Friedrich Der Grosse
Age 21
Last permanent residence Rabka, Galina
Nationality Austria
Marital status Single
Relative joined in the U.S. Franciszek Kubinski (Brother In Law)
Line 25

I mean, even the 1930 Census data says she emigrated in 1905, so no clue where they got that 1911 date.
Grazyna_Gabi - 25-09-2019 - 18:39
Temat postu:
Tu jest chyba Twoja Bronislawa, jedyna ktora jako tako pasuje do tego co wiesz.
Cholewa, Bronislawa Rabka, Galina 21 1883-1884 1905
manifest, poz. 25. ... cGciOw==/1 ... AWQ6X-DJMM ... s/10734487
Bronislawa emigruje w 1905 roku, ma lat 21 (czyli urodzona ok. 1883/84) z Rabki.
Parafia byla w Rabce, problem w tym, ze nie wiem gdzie sa metryki.
Daty urodzin sa bledne w kazdym dokumencie inne.

SPISKOPII KSIĄG METRYKALNYCHARCHIDIECEZJI KRAKOWSKIEJ(i innych diecezji)przechowywanych w Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnejw Krakowie i aktualnie udostępnianych.
Kopie metryk parafii RABKA URODZENIA I CHRZTY Lata: 1815-18201823-18261828-18371839 -1842 1845 -1853 1870 -1881 1883 -1884 ŚLUBY Lata: 1815 -18201823-18261828 -18371839 -18421845 -18531870 -18791883 -18841888 -1889 ZGONY Lata: 1815 -18201823-18261828 -18371839 -18421845 -18531870 -18771883 -18841888
Brak metryk online sa w tym archiwum
W archiwum brak urodzen dla roku 1885, 1886 i dalej.

Dziwne, ze w akcie slubu nie podala imion rodzicow.

lee_9876 - 13-10-2019 - 19:53
Temat postu:
Thank you SO very much for the reply! There must be something wrong on my end -- probably I am not "clicking something"! -- for I did not get an email notice there was a forum reply as I did when I first started. I assumed I had not gotten any!

We are most appreciative and thank you so very, very much for the immigration/ship paper. That does seem to be her!

The research notes you are so kind to send come through in English but your personal notes are still in Polish even though I click the "translation" icon. I will try to see if I can get one of my adult children to help me! I am sure I am missing some good info and search guidance.

I just checked and my US Citizenship and Immigration Services search for Bronislawa Holewa Rainis is still active but I do not have the results yet. As soon as I get a reply, I will get back to you.

Again, many, many thanks for your prompt reply, your generous time and assistance in this research and for your patience as I try to navigate this. You are more than kind and I am more than appreciative.

Fran Barker
Krystyna.waw - 14-10-2019 - 13:51
Temat postu:
Grażyna wrote that they have not 1885 births in archive ;( ... tualny.pdf
This church book (not only this one) was probably lost/destroyed/fired/...
lee_9876 - 14-10-2019 - 14:47
Temat postu:
Thank you for giving us this information. I have run into a few US courthouses burning down, etc. Unfortunately, it just happens.

As soon as I get the US CIS report -- and I am hoping they will find files of some kind -- I will send it to you.

We are hoping there will be a photo of Bronislawa on one of the documents as there was of her husband on one of his.

I am not sure how to attach documents to this forum. Perhaps, if there is not, I can just email them to you directly.

Again, thank you SO very, very much! You are helping us SO MUCH!!

Fran Barker
Krystyna.waw - 14-10-2019 - 14:58
Temat postu:
I wrote you in June:
Downolad your documents to any cloud, for example, or
After that give us (forum users) the link to them
lee_9876 - 24-10-2019 - 03:41
Temat postu:

As soon as I get the US CIS (US Citizen and Immigration Service) papers for Bronislawa, I will load them on google iCloud so you can access them.

I had hoped Bronislawa's papers would have come through by now. I look for them every day!

Whenever they come, I will try to get them to you that day.

Thank you SO much for all your help and interest!

lee_9876 - 25-10-2019 - 00:03
Temat postu:
Today I got a reply from the US CIS. They could not find anything on Bronislawa. They said they tried under her married name of "Rainis" and "Cholewa and Holewa".

I am going to send off for the marriage license tomorrow and hope they can find it since there are issues with the date. Since the first child was born in Sep 1912, I am thinking the marriage date is Jan 1912 and not the Jan 1911 on the naturalization form. They will search for it under a 3 year window so I am optimistic!

Will let you know when I get new info.

Thank you SO much for all your time and all your patience ~~

lee_9876 - 05-11-2019 - 01:35
Temat postu:
To all who have been so kind to help me:

Yesterday, I posted the marriage record for Bronislawa "Cholera", as the record has it, on google icloud. Usually, her maiden name is spelled as: "Cholewa" or "Holewa".

I left the email of to share and post it. I do not know if this is the email address I should have left or not. If it has not been made available, and someone can advise me as to what email address I need to leave so it can be posted on this site, I would be most appreciative.

She married John Rainis although the spelling on the marriage record is John "Rajs". It states her birthday place as "Rapka, Austria" instead of "Rapko, Poland" as it is on John's naturalization papers. It states her father's name is Aurtouey Cholera with his birthplace as Russia and her mother's maiden name as "unknown".

If any one can help with info on her family or direct me to other sources, I would be SO grateful!

Richard1 - 05-11-2019 - 14:35
Temat postu:

Mój prapradziadek Andrzej Cholewa ur. ok. 1845 r. zmarł w 1923 w Rdzawce parafia Rabka jego zona Brygida Kasperczyk u. ok. 1846 zmarła w 1898 roku w Rdzawce.
ich dzieci to:
Florian ur. ok. 1879
Stanisław ur. ok. 1880
Anna ur. 1881
Jakub ur. ok. 1885

może Bronisława to kolejne dziecko tej pary ?
Krystyna.waw - 05-11-2019 - 17:50
Temat postu:
lee_9876 napisał:

Yesterday, I posted the marriage record for Bronislawa "Cholera", as the record has it, on google icloud.

Go to, login and get (copy) the link to this record.
First make the record visible to everyone.
Paste the link here.
Or ask your grandchild for help Smile
lee_9876 - 17-11-2019 - 02:08
Temat postu:
The file is actually on Google Drive. Anyone who has access to the link should be able to open it. Here is the link: ... sp=sharing

Pobłocka_Elżbieta - 17-11-2019 - 07:19
Temat postu:
Z zapowiedzi przedślubnych wynika,
iż ojciec Bronisławy,to Antoni Cholewa.

Licencja przed ślubna 14 nov 1910
John Rajs lat 28 ur.Suwalky
Bronia Cholewa lat 24,ur.Rapka ,ojciec Antoni Cholewa ... 3AXVGT-X9C
lee_9876 - 20-11-2019 - 16:46
Temat postu:

How you figured out "Smolky Russia" is really "Suwalky" is beyond us but we are SO GRATEFUL!!

When I looked it up, it is easy to see how the demarcation line between Lithuania and Russia has gone "back and forth".

I am SO impressed and SO grateful!

The Binghamton New York Courthouse, where we got the marriage record, said they could not find "Smolky" online. Now we can see why!

This is wonderful for yesterday, after a month of email requests and phone calls, I finally talked to a National Archives archivist. He did not know of any other sources I could try except the slight chance the National Archives at Kansas City might have this couple listed in their Alien "A" Files. During WWII all non-US citizens had to register with the government.

John Rainis became a citizen in 1940 so he would not have had to register. For whatever reason -- perhaps Bronislawa became a citizen through him -- or else hers is lost due to miss-spelling, I cannot find it.

It is a great free search if you or anyone has need of it.

Will continue now with this simply invaluable help of having his hometown. If I can get more info, I will get back to you.

Cannot thank you ENOUGH!!!

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