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Tłumaczenia - angielski - Death act 1798 Jakobiak OK

challinan - 29-04-2018 - 15:04
Temat postu: Death act 1798 Jakobiak OK

Could someone help translate this record? It should be for Pawel Jakobiak. The writing is very light and I can't amke out much but I do see his wife's name, Agata Kostczak, I think. Did she die before him? Any other information that can be read would be so appreciated.

7th record, right page: ... cat=401539

Many thanks,
Andrzej75 - 29-04-2018 - 16:10
Temat postu:
[Village:] Żbiki Pańskie — On 5 December [1798] died industrious [i.e. peasant] Paweł Jakubiak, married, having left a widow Agata and 4 children: sons Jan and Grzegorz, daughters Urszula and Marianna; he was a day-labourer; provided with the last rites; buried in the cemetery.
challinan - 29-04-2018 - 16:18
Temat postu:
Andrzej, thank you, this is very helpful!

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