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General Discussion ( English, German, French, Russian .. inne ) - Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother

JFMrx - 31-01-2025 - 15:55
Temat postu: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
Hello All,

I'm currently looking to find back the origins and family of my great mother that was deported in a labor camp in Germany during the 2nd world war. After the war she moved to Belgium with my grand father and she never had news about his family.

This is the info I have :
Her name : Sofia / Sofja Kmetyk
She was born on 03/08/1918 in Jureczkowa.
Her father was Andreas / Andrej Kmetyk
Her mother : Angela /Aniela KMETYK (born with the name JAWORSKA)
She add 3 brothers (2 older and 1 younger).

I'd like to get your advise to help me to found some information about my polish origins.

Thank you all for your help.
Officinalis_Paeonia - 31-01-2025 - 17:29
Temat postu: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
Here is the marriage certificate of Andrzej and Aniela - no. 4/1911, November 9, in Russian:

Fond: Civil status records of the Greek Catholic Parish in Wojtkowa
Zespół: Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Greckokatolickiej w Wojtkowej
Archives: Archiwum Państwowe w Rzeszowie Oddział w Sanoku

Andrzej was the son of Mikołaj and Anastazja née Winiarczuk, he was 23 years and 10 months old
Aniela was the daughter of Aleksy and Anna née Podolak, age 22.

Here - Aleksy and Anna's marriage certificate - February 21/1875:

Fond: Archiwum Greckokatolickiego Biskupstwa w Przemyślu
Archives: Archiwum Państwowe w Przemyślu
JFMrx - 31-01-2025 - 18:13
Temat postu: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
Thank you for this information
puszek - 31-01-2025 - 18:28
Temat postu: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
Brat Zofii - Michał ślub 9.X.1934r. (akt 4). W/g aktu ślubu Michał urodzony 31.X.1912r./Jureczków (syn Andrzeja Kmetyka i Anieli Jaworskiej) ... 4054fe81c4
Brat Zofii - Wasyl zg 1922r./Jureczków (akt 1Cool syn Andrzeja i Anieli ... 75c68957d2
Paweł_Ban27 - 14-03-2025 - 22:15
Temat postu: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
Hello JFMrx,

It’s so good to hear from you!

We have also been looking for the family of Sofia (Sofja) Kmetyk. We know the same details about her as you do.

Sofia’s mother, Angela (Aniela) Kmetyk (born Jaworska), is buried in Poland, in the village of Mieszewo, in the Zachodniopomorskie province: ... p;idg=3627

Sofia’s oldest brother, my great-grandfather Michał Kmetyk, is also buried in Mieszewo, Poland: ... mp;idg=823

My entire family descends from Michał Kmetyk (Sofia’s brother), and we all live nearby. Daughter of Michał Kmetyk ( my grandmother ) has been looking for Sofia's relatives for very long line with no results.

Another brother of Sofia, Jan Kmetyk, is buried in the city of Węgorzyno, Zachodniopomorskie province, Poland, alongside his wife, Maria Kmetyk.

Sofia’s brother Józek Kmetyk is buried in Pittsburgh, USA.

Sofia had one more brother, the fourth one (Andrej Kmetyk) , who lived in Skeliwka, Ukraine. Unfortunately, we have no further information about him.

As for Sofia’s father, also Andreas (Andrej) Kmetyk, he was buried in Economy, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, USA, alongside his second wife: ... rew-kmetyk

From what we know, he had a daughter in the USA named Phyllis Stephanie Kmetyk. We don’t have any information about other relatives.

please could you send me some more details about you and your relatives?

Best regards,
city of Węgorzyno, Zachodniopomorskie province
Czupryna01 - 14-03-2025 - 22:47
Temat postu: RE: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
Great family reunion on Very Happy
Paweł_Ban27 - 14-03-2025 - 23:22
Temat postu: RE: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
yes, indeed!

we have only one picture of Sofie from young years (we don't know which woman in the photo is Sofie ) , hope you are able to point her.
PawelKoss - 15-03-2025 - 07:59
Temat postu: Re: Looking for the origins of my Polish great mother
Paweł_Ban27 napisał:

As for Sofia’s father, also Andreas (Andrej) Kmetyk, he was buried in Economy, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, USA, alongside his second wife: ... rew-kmetyk

From what we know, he had a daughter in the USA named Phyllis Stephanie Kmetyk. We don’t have any information about other relatives.

Piękna historia.

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