General Discussion ( English, German, French, Russian .. inne ) - Kabuschat Family East Prussia Eydtkuhnen Germanpolishfox - 30-09-2024 - 12:58 Temat postu: Kabuschat Family East Prussia Eydtkuhnen
i search for any Informations about my Great-Grandmother Anna born.Kabuschat.
She is born in Eydtkuhen Konigsberg East Prussia on May 5.5.1911.
Unfortunately I don't know whether she was Catholic or Protestant or something else.
and unfortunately I don't know where she married my great-grandfather Eduard Saleski.
She died in Cologne around 2002. I don't know the exact place or date
I don't know how I could find that.
iam Happy about any informations and help
Keke Saleski
PS:how do I insert images ?Krystyna.waw - 01-10-2024 - 18:44 Temat postu:
Why are you looking for documents from Kaliningrad/Konigsberg in Poland?
Did you ask about the town/village of Czernyszewskoje in the Russian archive?
Upload the photo to some cloud -,, - and post the link on the forum
You don't know how the Wiki works or how to change the language?ński_Włodzimierz - 01-10-2024 - 19:46 Temat postu:
jeśli gdzieś w okolicach Kralowca i "ahoj!" to nie "Czy mogę poszukać?"
ale chyba jednak w niemczech dokumenty są ..tzn największa szansaGermanpolishfox - 29-12-2024 - 16:14 Temat postu:
cześć, oto link do miejsca urodzenia mojej praprababci Barbary Lutz